Ascend Church

Wasted Wealth | Part 10: Authentic Faith
Today @AscendIdaho, we continue the summer series, "Authentic Faith," from the book of James. In this message, we learn the importance of investing our life and resources in matters of eternal significance. Through this summer series, we will learn to genuinely put our faith in action every day. We will explore different principles for living genuine faith—practical insightful advice for everyday life.
Locations & Times
Ascend Church
3838 W Floating Feather Rd, Eagle, ID 83616, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
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SPEAKER: Brad Murphy, Pastor
THEME VERSE: James 2:26 (ESV)
SCRIPTURE: James 4:13-117, 5:1-6 (ESV)
⬇️See Below⬇️
(1) Come Now
(2) Living in a Fog
(3) When the Fog Lifts
(4) Coming Out of the Fog
- Reflect on how you use your wealth
- Ask God to redirect your investments
- Make a plan to lay up eternal treasures
SPEAKER: Brad Murphy, Pastor
THEME VERSE: James 2:26 (ESV)
SCRIPTURE: James 4:13-117, 5:1-6 (ESV)
⬇️See Below⬇️
(1) Come Now
(2) Living in a Fog
(3) When the Fog Lifts
(4) Coming Out of the Fog
- Reflect on how you use your wealth
- Ask God to redirect your investments
- Make a plan to lay up eternal treasures
Quote: Shepherd of Hermas, Similitude 65:3-5
“The one who lives in luxury and deception for one day and does what he wants has clothed himself in much foolishness and does not understand what he is doing, for on the next day he forgets what he did the day before. For luxury and deception have no memories, because of the foolishness with which they are clothed. But when punishment and torment cling to a man for a single day, he is punished and tormented for a year, for punishment and torment have long memories. So, being punished and tormented for a whole year, he then remembers the luxury and deceit and realizes that he is suffering these evils because of them. Every man, therefore, who lives in luxury and deception is tormented in this way, because even though they have life, they have handed themselves over to death.” “Sir,” I said, “what kinds of luxuries are harmful?” “Everything a man enjoys doing,” he said, “is a luxury for him. For even the ill-tempered man indulges himself when he gives free rein to his passion. And the adulterer and the drunkard and the slanderer and the liar and the anxious and the robber and the one who does things such as these each gives free rein to his own sickness; he indulges himself, therefore, by his action”
“The one who lives in luxury and deception for one day and does what he wants has clothed himself in much foolishness and does not understand what he is doing, for on the next day he forgets what he did the day before. For luxury and deception have no memories, because of the foolishness with which they are clothed. But when punishment and torment cling to a man for a single day, he is punished and tormented for a year, for punishment and torment have long memories. So, being punished and tormented for a whole year, he then remembers the luxury and deceit and realizes that he is suffering these evils because of them. Every man, therefore, who lives in luxury and deception is tormented in this way, because even though they have life, they have handed themselves over to death.” “Sir,” I said, “what kinds of luxuries are harmful?” “Everything a man enjoys doing,” he said, “is a luxury for him. For even the ill-tempered man indulges himself when he gives free rein to his passion. And the adulterer and the drunkard and the slanderer and the liar and the anxious and the robber and the one who does things such as these each gives free rein to his own sickness; he indulges himself, therefore, by his action”
NEXT STEPS: Say, "YES" to Jesus!
If you would like to begin following Jesus today and say, "YES" to his forgiveness and start to pursue His purpose and plan for your life, click below or text YES to (208) 352-6002 to begin. READING PLANS and DEVOTIONALS:
Use the following plans to grow in your faith and build a relationship with God this week.
Use the following plans to grow in your faith and build a relationship with God this week.
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