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Pathways Baptist Church

Evangelism: Unveiled

Evangelism: Unveiled

Welcome to worship at Pathways. We hope you will feel the presence of God's Spirit throughout today's worship service. The worship service is live streamed at You may also connect to the service on YouVersion using the Pathways website: then select YouVersionBible. Feel free to take notes using the YouVersion app. Fill out a Connection Card (link provided below) and let us know how we can serve you better.

Locations & Times

Pathways Baptist Church

200 W Diamond Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877, USA

Sunday 10:15 AM

Today's Worship Songs

The music in today's worship service is now available on Spotify using the link to the Pathways Playlist. Enjoy listening to the entire playlist throughout your week.
We welcome you to worship at Pathways.
Praise Team
Praise Song: BLESS GOD
Praise Team
Praise Song: THE DOVE
Praise Team

Events that are ongoing at Pathways:
There's a place for everyone to plug-in and get to know one another.
Join a Group! See our new website page (link below).

Begin Your connection at Pathways

New "Join a Group" Website Page

There's a place for everyone to plug-in and get to know one another. Join a Group! Be in relationship with Jesus. Be in community (that's a small group!). Be serving (on a team!). Look at how easy it is to find and try out a new group you're going to explore!

The Weekly Offering Moment

It's not about supporting the budget or keeping the lights on. We offer a weekly Offering Moment for your spiritual growth. Are you, like so many of us, caught in the accidental idolatry of money? Will you engage weekly in the spiritual act of fighting that idolatry by thanking God, the true source of all of our resources?  God promises that a freedom from idolatry of any kind can be a life filled with fullness and joy and love and freedom. He invites you into this life of giving generously.
Praise Team
Sermon: "Evangelism Unveiled"
Dr. Larry Eubanks
So if the whole Bible is about Jesus, and Jesus came to save our souls from a fiery eternity—in other words, evangelism—then of course Sunday School, Bible Study, whatever you want to call it, was about evangelism.
Jesus never reduced salvation to a formula. The closest He came
“Love God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself,” but what’s the formula for love? What equation expresses agape?
And neither did He present God’s love as a transaction, grace as a commodity, forgiveness something that could be bartered with a sinner’s prayer.
If you want to attract people to Jesus, you can’t be full of hatred. You can’t live in a constant state of outrage at other people’s sins while being blind to your own sin. You can’t wed yourself to power and impose Christianity on everyone else. If you do, the only people you will attract are people who want to act like jerks, people who are full of anger. People who live in a constant state of outrage at other people’s sin. People who are intolerant of other races, ethnicities, beliefs, and opinions.
Look like Jesus - Love God and love your neighbor. And who is your neighbor? Even your enemies? Even your enemies.

"Do this in remembrance of me."
-1 Corinthians 11:24
Praise Team
Benediction and Benevolence Offering:

Jesus said, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."
"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these who are in need, you did for me."
-Matthew 25:35-40

Pray with an Elder:
Our Elders are available following the service to pray with you! Share the burdens of your heart with a Pathways Elder and let them comfort you with prayer. God hears the prayers of His people.

Bringing People Together At Pathways

Connection Card

We want to hear from you. Your comments are important to us. Maybe you would like to speak to one of our pastors. Maybe you are seeking a small group to connect with others, have a prayer request, interested in baptism or membership at Pathways. Please use the link below and let us know how we can help you as you grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God.

Growing In Jesus

If you would like to learn more about Pathways Baptist Church, please visit our website using the link below.

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Have A Blessed Week