Overflow Church Hawaii
Locations & Times
Overflow Church Hawaii
55-595 Hawi Rd, Hawi, HI 96719, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
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6PM Leighton and Rhonda's house
Potluck and Bible Study (Character of God 5 weeks)
Friday 5PM Nic and Eliana's house Potluck and Habits of the Household Study (5 weeks)
https://www.overflowchurch-ag.com/connect-groupsFriday 5PM Nic and Eliana's house Potluck and Habits of the Household Study (5 weeks)
JOIN US FOR ICE CREAM after service at Founding Farmers in Hawi next to the electric bike rental shop.
Jared's problems...
1. Quick tempered
2. Unforgiving
3. Easily irritable
1. Quick tempered
2. Unforgiving
3. Easily irritable
God is so patient with me.
God keeps no records of being wronged.
He never forgets who I am.
Do you need God to show you the way? Do you need God to love you as only he can?