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Beyond The Walls Community Church

Sunday, June 9th, 2024 | Choosing The Wrong Savior | Matthew 27:11-26

Sunday, June 9th, 2024 | Choosing The Wrong Savior | Matthew 27:11-26

Our Mission: Leading People to follow Jesus Christ

Locations & Times

Beyond the Walls Church

42110 Remington Ave, Temecula, CA 92590, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Key Truth: _____________ person must decide if they will trust Jesus as Savior or seek to _______________ themself before God.

The Second Trial:
1. Jesus is being accused of _____________ against Rome. John 19:12
2. Pilate ______________ the crowd more than Jesus.
A. He knew Jesus was _________________ of the charges.
B. He knew he was being _____________________ by the religious leaders.
C. He refuses to _____________ the counsel of his wife.
3. The Crowd went along with the religious _______________, rather than submit to spiritual truths.
A. The Crowd determine they have no ________ for Jesus Christ.
4. Barabbas knew he was ______________, yet Jesus took his place.
A. Barabbas was set free from ________ and _______________.
B. Barabbas' release from condemnation is the story of all __________________.

What we Learn:
1. God is ___________, and humanity is ____________. Matthew 27:27-31
2. Fear of the crowd’s _______________________ can lead us down a ____________________ path.
3. ____________ the truth about Jesus doesn’t make you a Christian.
A. _______________ your life to King Jesus makes you a Christian.

Taking It Beyond The Walls: Remain rooted in God’s Word so that you will avoid deception. Pray for those who do not trust Jesus as Savior, that God would convict them of their sin and reveal their need for Him.


Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Connection Group Homework:
Looking back at your notes, was there anything that particularly caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?

What does it mean to trust Jesus as your Savior?

Has there been a time in your life when you trusted Jesus as your Savior? Would someone be willing to share?

We learned that Pilate was influenced by negative peer pressure, but we can also be influenced positively by peer pressure. God wants us to remain in community to have friends in our lives that help us along the way. Write down how you see this truth revealed in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Can you think of a time when you have influenced someone else (positive or negative)? Is there anything you can learn from that experience?

Read Matthew 27:24-26: Is there significance to Pilate’s washing his hands before the crowd?

What did Pilate’s actions reveal regarding his decision to trust Jesus or trust himself?

How has attending Connection Group strengthened your faith?