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Bouquet Canyon Church

From Burden to Breakthrough

From Burden to Breakthrough

Locations & Times

Bouquet Canyon Church

26900 Bouquet Canyon Rd, Santa Clarita, CA 91350, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM


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Discussion Notes (for use in a small group or individual study)
Sermon: From Burden to Breakthrough
(Phone apps are good for comparing multiple translations. Study Bibles help with interpretation.)

1. Opening question: Have you ever experienced a dramatic answer to prayer? If so, what happened? If not, what testimonies about answered prayer from others stand out to you?
2. The sermon was based on Nehemiah 1 and focused on living a life of breakthrough and victory. What do you remember about each of the main points? What stood out to you or impacted you?
3. At the beginning of Nehemiah 1, Nehemiah discovers that Jerusalem is in dire straits. His response is to weep and pray. What types of things cause you to react similarly?
4. Read 2 Kings 6:8-23.
a) Why was Elisha’s servant afraid?
b) How did Elisha pray and what was the result?
c) There is a theme of blindness in this story. Why do you think that is?
d) What was the lower story and what was the upper story (what great things was God doing)?
e) In what areas do you need to have your eyes opened to God’s presence, purpose, and power? What should you do?
5. Read Genesis 18:17-33 (Here, God informs Abraham that the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are facing judgment. Abraham responds by praying for mercy. This is the first detailed prayer that we see in the Bible).
a) Why do you think God revealed His plan for Sodom and Gomorrah to Abraham?
b) Now read Genesis 19:27-28. How do you think Abraham felt about his prayer not being answered the way he had hoped?
c) Do our prayers for unsaved people make a difference? (see 1 Timothy 2:1-4)
d) Why do you think God doesn’t always save the people we pray for? (see Ezekiel 33:11 and Zechariah 7:12-13)
6. Read Colossians 4:12
a) What was this man, Epaphras, doing for the Colossian Christians?
b) What do you think it looks like to be “always wrestling in prayer” for someone?
c) What was Epaphras hoping would happen as a result of his prayers?
d) Do you have anyone in your life who prays for you like this?
e) Do you pray for anyone else in this way? If not, who could you adopt this next week as someone to wrestle in prayer for?
7. Reflection and prayer:
a) Do you feel that you have a vision for what God wants to do in our city? What about your neighborhood? Your family?
b) Ask God to open your eyes and give you more of His heart. Ask Him to strengthen and inspire your prayer life.
c) Pray for any other specific needs in your group.