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Mountainside Assembly of God



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Mountainside Assembly of God

1900 Trevorton Rd, Coal Township, PA 17866, USA

Sunday 10:30 AM

June 9, 2024 announcements
When We Are One


Focus: This sermon explores Psalm 133, emphasizing our God-given diversity and the call to unity amid that diversity.

Key Point: God "pronounces a blessing" when His people unite (Psalm 133).

Importance of Unity:

- Unity is essential in all areas of life, despite our differences in goals, motivations, and expectations.

- Our differences highlight our need for one another, allowing us to work better together.

Biblical Perspective:

1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 18-20, 27: We are one body with many parts, diverse yet intentionally designed by God.

Psalm 133: Describes the beauty and harmony of unity among God's people.

Psalm 133:

Category: A "Song of Ascent," part of the Psalms sung by Jewish pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem.

Themes: Unity, trust in God's protection, celebration of Zion, prayers for peace and prosperity, reflection on God's faithfulness.

Cultivating Unity:

Unity requires intentional effort and deliberate cultivation, involving:

1. Intent and Purpose: Clear intention and understanding of why unity matters.

2. Preparation: Setting the right conditions and gathering resources.

3. Sowing Seeds: Planting ideas and efforts.

4. Nurturing: Providing care and attention through communication and support.

5. Patience and Persistence: Recognizing that unity takes time and effort.

6. Adaptation: Adjusting to changing circumstances.

7. Monitoring and Evaluation: Assessing progress and refining approaches.

8. Harvesting and Enjoying the Fruits: Celebrating the outcomes of unity.

God's Blessing in Unity:

Psalm 133:3: God pronounces His blessing where His people are united, emphasizing the value of unity.

Revelation 7:9: A vision of eternal unity with people from every nation, tribe, and language.

Call to Action:

Embrace and celebrate our differences as intentional features of God's design.

Commit to cultivating diversity and unity in our communities.

Seek opportunities to come together and reflect God's heart through unity.


In unity, we reflect God's design and experience His blessings, including life everlasting.

Final Thought:

Let us actively seek unity, celebrate diversity, and work towards a harmonious expression of the body of Christ, knowing that it is in our unity that we experience God's abundant blessings.

The Power of Unity

The Power of Unity