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The Avenue Church

The Book of Galatians - Week 8 - The Law as Guardian

The Book of Galatians - Week 8 - The Law as Guardian

Locations & Times

The Avenue Church

3030 Thatcher Ave, Pueblo, CO 81005, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

To join the Discipleship Pathway text the word “path” to 719-881-8831
1. Guards and Guardians
A. Universal Captivity to Sin
B. Punitive Custody Vs. Protective Custody
C. Temporary Nature of the Law
2. New Identity In Christ
A. Faith Is More About Identity Than Behavior
B. Baptism is Symbolic of Our New Identity and Union with Christ
C. True Identity Always Shapes Behavior
D. Only One Identity Truly Matters
E. Inheritance Derives from Identity Not Behavior
3. From Slavery to Sonship
A. Who Jesus Is
- God's Son = Divine

- Born of Woman = Human
- Born Under the Law, to Redeem those who were under the law
B. God as Trinity
C. Who We Are In Christ
Discussion Questions - Re-read our main passage from this week (Galatians 3:22-4:7) and then with your Growth Group, family, friends, etc. thoughtfully answer the following:

1. As you look back at childhood, what are rules you once thought were restrictive but are now grateful for?

2. Does understanding the Law’s role as a temporary guardian now mean we can ignore the Old Testament? Why or why not?

3. Why is Christian identity so important in our faith?

4. How does this passage help us understand the triune nature of God?

5. How does the trinity help us to understand the distinctions between the different social groups listed in Galatians 3:28?

6. In what ways do you struggle to grasp your identity as a child of God?

7. What’s your next step in response to this message?

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GALATIANS by Michael Defazio with Ozark Christian College


Dave Stotts, host of Drive Thru History®, explores the scripture, history, geography, archaeology, and impact of Paul’s letter to the Galatians in the New Testament. The home base for the series is Dave’s Garage™, a state-of-the-art, extended reality lair where almost anything is possible.