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FBC Richland

Sunday Worship 5-5-24

Sunday Worship 5-5-24

Welcome to FBC Sunday Worship • Main Session: 9:30 AM • Town Hall @ 11:00 AM • FBC Food & Family Potluck @ 12:00 PM • Worship with us • Grow with us • Serve with us •

Locations & Times

FBC Richland

1107 Wright Ave, Richland, WA 99354, USA

Sunday 9:20 AM

Weekly Connections

Click here to view Weekly Connections, which contains announcements, information about what's happening this week, song lyrics (including a printable version), and more!

ChurchCenter App

There is so much info in the app! You can even "use" the app on the computer with this link. Grab a card at the Connect table with instructions on how to install the Church App. If you have any questions, please contact Sheryl or Tami. We are happy to give you a hand.

Downloadable Study Guide

Grab a study guide from the table at the entrance to the Chapel, or click here to download one.

More Resources

Find more online downloadable resources here
Main Session

A Glimpse at Biblical Stewardship: Week Three
Pastor Tim Walker

Giving Handout

View or download this resource mentioned in today's message
Genesis 3:1-7
Ephesians 2:1-10
2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Study Guide:
today's story
today's main points
today's additional scripture
key definitions
other scriptures that come to mind
what stood out
anything difficult or crazy
today's takeaways
general questions to ask of any text

What does the passage say?
Key words/phrases?
Major theological terms?
Difficult words/phrases?

What does the passage mean?
Context? (never interpret less than a paragraph)
How would the original hearers receive this?
Key word definitions?
Parallel Biblical teachings?
Can you communicate the point of this passage in a simple phrase?

What must I do in response?
How does this truth apply to my fellowship with God?
How does this truth apply to strengthening my faith?
How does this truth apply to my commitment to church?
How does this truth apply to serving my family/community?
What steps do I need to take to implement these applications?
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based Goals)
What is a missional conversation nugget to discuss with family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc.?

To whom will I be accountable? (reach out and ask… follow up)
The Christian life is designed to be transferred relationally and journeyed together. “Rope in”– brother to brother and sister to sister – on a weekly basis so that together we can draw near to God and join him in his kingdom work.
This is an exploration – commit and prepare for a long and rewarding journey.
To continue the conversation, email Pastor Tim at

Give Online

Click here to give online

Town Hall, Potluck today!

Our quarterly Town Hall will take place in lieu of adult Breakout Sessions on Sunday, May 5 at 11:00 AM.
Topics included in this meeting:
• questions and discussion regarding the 2024-2025 budget which will be voted on at the May 19 Annual Meeting
• updates on some ongoing projects
• overview of some of our current ministries
All are invited to join us for this informational meeting.

At 11:00 AM, we have Breakout Sessions for all ages of FBC Kids!
These Breakouts include a deeper dive into the Gospel Project lesson, snacks, and other fun activities. (Kids can remain in classes from the 9:30 hour)
• Newborn & Toddler
• Preschool & Kindergarten
• Grades 1, 2, & 3
• Grades 4, 5, & 6

Join our Cinco de Mayo Potluck! Taco meat and tortillas will be included. You may bring taco toppings and side dishes. Whether or not you are able to bring food, please come and enjoy some food and family! We'll eat at noon in the MPR, after the Town Hall. We look forward to seeing you then!