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FBC Richland

Sunday Worship 4-28-24

Sunday Worship 4-28-24

Welcome to FBC Sunday Worship • Main Session: 9:30 AM • Breakout Sessions @ 11:00 AM • Worship with us • Grow with us • Serve with us •

Locations & Times

FBC Richland

1107 Wright Ave, Richland, WA 99354, USA

Sunday 9:20 AM

Weekly Connections

Click here to view Weekly Connections, which contains announcements, information about what's happening this week, song lyrics (including a printable version), and more!

ChurchCenter App

There is so much info in the app! You can even "use" the app on the computer with this link. Grab a card at the Connect table with instructions on how to install the Church App. If you have any questions, please contact Sheryl or Tami. We are happy to give you a hand.

Downloadable Study Guide

Grab a study guide from the table at the entrance to the Chapel, or click here to download one.

More Resources

Find more online downloadable resources here
Main Session

The Other Commandment
Rev. David Lunsford
1) Love defined
2) Love explained

a) _____________ love; ___________… _______________
b) _____________ love; ____________ … ______________
c) ____________ love; _____________… _______________
3) Love commanded
a) Christians are commanded to love _____________________
b) Christians are commanded to love ____________________
c) Christians are commanded to love ____________________
d) Christian __________ are commanded to love their ___________
e) Christian __________ are commanded to love their ___________
f) Christians are commanded to love _________________
4) Love empowered
a) The source of love is _______________
b) The means of love is ________________
c) The power of love is the ________________
d) The possession of love is _________________
For application:
Meditation: read 1 Corinthians 13 every day for a month (there will be even more value if you memorize and meditate on vs. 4-8!)

Evaluation: How’s your love life? Spend some time in evaluation of all the significant relationships in your life. Which ones need the most work? Which people are the hardest to love?

Plan for change, prayerfully ask God how your love needs to grow and make clear written statements of change. If you really want to change, ask a friend to help you implement change and hold you accountable for it.

Give Online

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Breakout Sessions at 11:00 AM

Book of Genesis
with Paul Eslinger
An interactive bible study, open to youth and adults
- Meets in Room 303

Questions About Life
with Alan Zacher
Looking to God together for real, practical answers to tough questions. Open to youth and adults
- Meets in Room 101

Engaging God's Word: Daniel for ladies
with Stacy Mouat
An in-depth study of Daniel, where you will learn that God is both independent and intimate, and you will engage with what such profound truths mean in your life. Please see the app for more information: Home> Connect> Events. You will also be able to access group resources and messaging that pertains to this Breakout Session. Don't worry if you can't make it every week; come to as many sessions as you can. Open to ladies 16 and older
- Meets in Room 307

AIM Team Meeting
with Greg Frater
A team meeting for those who are going on the Ambassadors in Mexico trip in June.
- Meets in Room 209

BNN Update
with Dave Lunsford
Dave will give us an update on the happenings at Baptist Network Northwest. Open to youth and adults
- Meets in the Chapel

At 11:00 AM, we have Breakout Sessions for all ages of FBC Kids!
These Breakouts include a deeper dive into the Gospel Project lesson, snacks, and other fun activities. (Kids can remain in classes from the 9:30 hour)
• Newborn & Toddler
• Preschool & Kindergarten
• Grades 1, 2, & 3
• Grades 4, 5, & 6