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Bouquet Canyon Church

Ecclesiastes Part 2

Ecclesiastes Part 2

Locations & Times

Bouquet Canyon Church

26900 Bouquet Canyon Rd, Santa Clarita, CA 91350, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM


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Discussion Notes (for use in a small group or individual study)
Sermon: In Search of the Good Life
(Phone apps are good for comparing multiple translations. Study Bibles help with interpretation.)

1. Opening question: Think of an accomplishment from your past that made you feel happy. How do you feel about that accomplishment now? What has God taught you through it?
2. This was the second sermon in our series in the book of Ecclesiastes. It focused on the Teacher’s quest for goodness in life. What do you remember about each of the main points? What stood out to you or impacted you?
3. Review Philippians 3:1-11.
a) Paul says that he considers his past credentials to be rubbish. Why do you think he had such a negative view of his accomplishments?
b) Why do we tend to base our worth as Christians on our performance? Do you struggle with this?
c) What things did Paul gain after giving up his old way of life?
d) What do you need to start counting as rubbish for the sake of Christ?
4. Read 1 Timothy 6:6-10
a) The Teacher in Ecclesiastes said that nothing is gained under the Sun. But what does Paul say in this passage about the key to gain?
b) According to Paul, what is the basis for contentment in our lives?
c) How does he define contentment?
d) What are some of the negative consequences of loving money?
5. Read Mark 10:17-23
a) Jesus lists six commandments. Where are they from? (see Exodus 20)
b) What is the focus of these six commandments compared to the others listed in Exodus 20?
c) The man said that he had kept these commands all his life. What do you think his motive had been?
d) Did this man think that he was good? Based on what?
e) Why do you think Jesus made it a point to say that only God is good?
f) What was this man’s great love in life?
g) Where was Jesus’ love directed to in this story? What does this tell us about him?
h) What evidence is there that money had become a false god to the man? (see Luke 16:13, Colossians 3:5, and Ephesians 5:5)
i) How can we avoid the same kinds of problems?
6. Reflection and prayer:
a) Do you have any desires for your life that you need to hand over to God?
b) Turn to God in prayer now. Offer Him everything: your past accomplishments, your dreams for the future, your possessions, your life. As Him to use you for His glory. And pray for any other specific needs in your group.