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Beyond The Walls Community Church

Sunday, April 21st, 2024 | Be Faithful Until Jesus Returns! Matthew 25:14-30

Sunday, April 21st, 2024 | Be Faithful Until Jesus Returns! Matthew 25:14-30

Our Mission: Leading People to follow Jesus Christ

Locations & Times

Beyond the Walls Church

42110 Remington Ave, Temecula, CA 92590, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Key Truth: Because God is the _____________ and ____________ of everything we have, we must learn how to be good ________________ of all He has given us.

The Parable Explained:
1. This parable focuses on the Masters’ servants being ___________________ while they await his return.
2. The servants have all been given ________________ according to their _______________ to steward.
3. The Master expects a ________________ on his investment from his servants.
4. The two servants were _________________ for their faithfulness.
5. The one servant was rebuked and punished for __________________ to do anything with his talent.

What We Learn:
1. Everything we have is a _____________ from Jesus.
2. Jesus expects us to take _______________ in order to ________________ His kingdom and influence in the world.
3. Each one of us will give an account on how we __________________ Jesus’ resources for his Kingdom.
4. Being faithful in this life will come with ____________ in the next.
5. How we ______________ God, influences whether or not we invest our lives in God’s service.

Taking It Beyond The Walls: Thank God for the blessings and resources we have to glorify Him and to advance His kingdom. Look for opportunities to use our God-given resources this week. Pray that we would be good and faithful stewards.


Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Connection Group Homework:
Looking back at your notes, was there anything that particularly caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?

If you were to go away on a long trip, who would you entrust to look after things for you while you were gone, and why?

How do you keep from getting discouraged if you don’t have as many resources or natural abilities as others?

Read Matthew 25:19-23: In the process of earning “five more” and “two more,” the servants risked losing some of it. How is it risky to invest in God’s kingdom?

How can you tell if you’re truly investing in God’s kingdom or just being “churchy?”

Do you want more responsibilities as a reward for faithfulness? Why or Why not?

Why is sharing the master’s joy such an awesome reward?

What are some reasons people give today for not believing in Jesus?

What are some reasons Christians give for not sharing their faith, serving, nor giving?