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Good Shepherd Community Church

Colossians: Union with Christ & His Church, Part 1 - Praying You Show HIS Worth | Colossians 1:1-14

Colossians: Union with Christ & His Church, Part 1 - Praying You Show HIS Worth | Colossians 1:1-14

Invitation to HOPE

Locations & Times

Good Shepherd Community Church

28986 SE Haley Rd, Boring, OR 97009, USA

Saturday 5:00 PM

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

1. Faith in Christ Jesus.
2. Love for all the Saints.
3. Hope in heaven.
We hear, understand, and learn the word of the truth, the grace of God in truth — the Gospel.
Next Step Takeaway
On Mission:
Practice sharing a clear gospel message in 60 seconds with a friend or family member.
Next Step Takeaway
With Others:
Encourage and pray for 3 people this week that are known for having this kind of faith, love, or hope in your life.
“Every day we face three possible motivations about whom we’re going to please: We can seek to please ourselves; we can seek to please other people; or, we can seek to please God. But we can’t do all three.” - Greg Laurie
1. Bearing Fruit in every good work. [v.10]
2. Growing in the knowledge of Him. [v.10]
“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” - A.W. Tozer
3. Being Strengthened [v.11]
4. Giving Thanks [v.12]
“It's one thing to be grateful. It's another to give thanks. Gratitude is what you feel. Thanksgiving is what you do.” - Timothy Keller
Next Step Takeaway:
With God
Set an alarm for 1:12pm this week for Colossians 1:12 and write down 12 things that you’re thankful for.
This is an invitation to join Christ in what he’s already doing in the world, not an invitation for Christ to affirm our own personal preferences.
Big Idea:
Show the worth of the LORD by bearing fruit, growing in your knowledge of Him, being strengthened, and giving thanks.