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Beyond The Walls Community Church

Sunday, April 14th, 2024 | Get Ready The Bridegroom Is Coming! | Matthew 25:1-13

Sunday, April 14th, 2024 | Get Ready The Bridegroom Is Coming! | Matthew 25:1-13

Our Mission: Leading People to follow Jesus Christ

Locations & Times

Beyond the Walls Church

42110 Remington Ave, Temecula, CA 92590, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Key Truth: Jesus calls believers to ________________ await His return by focusing their hearts on His _____________ and their ___________________ on His kingdom.

The Tragedy Of Being Unprepared:
1. Only one thing distinguished the virgins from one another, the _________________ of ____________ they had with them.
2. The wise virgins were _______________ for the coming and delay of the bridegroom.
3. The foolish virgins were ___________________ and had only enough oil to burn for the present moment.
4. The foolish virgins were denied entrance because they were unprepared and had no __________________ with the bridegroom.

What We Learn:
1. Jesus is _________________ a place for us in Heaven. John 14:2-3
2. Not everyone that _____________ faith in Jesus Christ _____________
true faith in Jesus Christ. Matthew 7:21-23
3. You cannot get to heaven off of the ________________ of others.
A. Salvation is an _______________ response to the global ________________ of the gospel of Jesus Christ. John 3:16-18
4. God is patient but there will come a time when His patience will _________.

Taking It Beyond The Walls: As Christians, be always alert, always ready, always living your life with a sense of urgency and anticipation of Jesus Christ’s return. Make sharing the gospel with others a normal part of your everyday life.


Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Connection Group Homework:
Looking back at your notes, was there anything that particularly caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?

Up to this point in your life, what have you had to work the hardest at waiting for? (Think: engagement, degree, promotion, children, etc.) How did you handle, or how are you handling, the waiting process?

What role does waiting play in your relationship with God?

How do you feel about the five prepared virgins not sharing their oil with the foolish virgins (vv. 7-9)? Were they being selfish?

What warning was Jesus giving us in verse 13 about when He will come and what we need to do?

What does “watching” for the return of Jesus practically mean in our everyday life?

Read Matthew 25:10-13: What is your response to the fact that the five unprepared virgins were not allowed into the banquet? What do you think about the implication that there is a limit to God’s open door of grace?

If you knew that Jesus was returning in a very short period of time, how would you live your life differently? What things would you stop stressing over, and what things would you make a priority?