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ECC-Evangelical Covenant Church

An Empty Tomb, a Word, and the Next Step

An Empty Tomb, a Word, and the Next Step

Welcome to Resurrection Sunday! Today we celebrate the reality of Christ, risen from the dead, and all that his resurrection brings us. We're glad you've joined us!

Locations & Times

Evangelical Covenant Church

3600 S 9th St, Lafayette, IN 47909, USA

Sunday 10:25 AM

Downloadable Bulletin

Communication Card

Let us know you worshiped at today's service! You can also sign up for newsletters or prayer.

How to Connect at ECC

Click below to explore many opportunities get connected.

Adult Christian Formation

Sunday mornings at 9:00am in person in the Great Room. The Adult Sunday School Class is starting a new series entitled "Old Testament Survey".

Spring Carnival and Pancake Breakfast

ECC will be partnering with Miller Elementary School and Bauer Community Center to host our annual Spring Carnival/Pancake Breakfast at Miller on Saturday, April 13, from 9:30 to 11AM. We are currently building teams with individuals and families to help with carnival games and the pancake breakfast.  Please sign up on the Connect page to help with this fun event!

Easter Community Café

All are invited to come early or in-between services and enjoy our Easter Community Café that is being sponsored by our Middle and High School Youth Group! You and your family can come over to the Life Center anytime between 8:15 and 11:00am for a time of community together and enjoy some coffee, juice, and a variety of delicious hot and cold foods such as pastries, fruit, and much more, all of which are being provided by our students, leaders and their families! There is no cost to come and enjoy this time of food and fellowship together on Easter morning, but if you would like to leave a thank you donation, there will be a donation box that will go towards our camp scholarship fund. We hope you’ll be able to join us for any or all of these activities during Holy week.

4th and 5th Grade Gathering

Our 4th and 5th grade students are invited to join us April 14 for lunch, Bible study, games, and more! We’ll meet over in the Life Center, starting after worship, and going until 1:45pm. Friends are welcome to join us! Please contact Pastor Kristin for more details.

Men's Ministry

Wednesday Morning Men's Fellowship: Join us each week at 6:30am. The Wednesday Morning Men’s group is studying a commentary by NT Wright on Romans 1-8. This group is currently meeting via Zoom. For an invite, please email Ken Ritchey. We'd love to see you there! Contact:

• Wednesday Evening Group: Pastor Kurt’s weekly study meets Wednesdays in Room 10. They will do a one hour inductive bible study that tracks with our sermon series. We hope you can join us.

Youth Group

Gatherings: Students in grades 6-12 are invited to join us on Wednesday evenings throughout the semester for a time of snacks, getting to know other students, Bible study, and small group. We meet from 6:30-8:00pm each Wednesday in the Life Center. Doors open at 6pm each week for those who would like to arrive early. Contact Pastor Kristin or Pastor Chuck with questions.

Youth Group Plus: All Middle and High School students are invited to join us on the 4th Sunday of every month for a night of community together. Tonight from 6:30-8:00pm we’ll be putting together lunches for Lafayette Urban Ministry, hanging out, and playing games. We recognize that not every student is available on Wednesday nights consistently, so these gatherings will be another great opportunity to come and have fun together and meet new friends.

1935 Road Rally Scavenger Hunt

Our 1935 young adult ministry is hosting a special event on Saturday, April 20th at 4:00pm, our first ever “Road Rally: Scavenger Hunt”. Participants will be put into teams for a photo scavenger hunt around town. This event is for all young adults roughly between the ages of 19 to 35-ish, BUT since many of our young adults are parents of young children, if you are not in that 19 to 35 category… if you are also parents of young children or just want to spend time with our young adults, you are invited to join! There WILL be childcare provided while the adults are playing the game, with a meal to celebrate at the end. Registration in advance is required at And side note: if anyone that is not participating in the event but wants to help make it all happen, Pastor Chuck will be looking for help with things like serving the dinner and with childcare. Feel free to reach out and let him know if you are interested.

Young Life

Youth 9th-12th grade, join Young Life on 4/1, 4/8, and 4/15 in the life center. It will be a time to connect with your Young Life leaders and friends in a small group setting. We will catch up with one another, watch the Club video, and take a few moments to process the Club Talk together.

Pickle Ball

Pickle ball is now available at ECC!! If you’ve never played, now’s the time to get involved! We’ll teach you how to play. We have 3 courts and plenty of spare paddles and game balls. Just be sure to wear tennis shoes. We’re open to all levels of play and especially looking forward to making new friends. We’ll limit play to members and attenders of ECC and their invited guest. If you would like to get an email with schedule updates let us know here.

Women’s Ministry: Sugar Scrub Class

Join us for a sugar scrub class on April 2 at 7:00pm. You will get to make and keep a sugar scrub of your very own. Sugar scrubs are great for gently exfoliating skin, so come and bring a friend. Please RSVP so we have enough supplies!

Women’s Spring Tea

Join us for an afternoon tea on Saturday, April 20 at 2:00pm. We will meet in the ECC Great Room. Women and guests aged from middle school and older are welcome! Please bring a tea cup and saucer to participate. Don't have one? Borrow one! We hope you can join us! The afternoon is free, but we will be accepting donations to cover the cost of the supplies.


Whether expecting your first or sending your last off to college, MOPS/MOMSNext has a place for you! MOPS/MOMSNext exists to nurture a community that allows each mom to grow as an individual and in relationships with her family, other moms, and Jesus. Our next meeting is April 9 from 9:30-11:30am. MOPS/MOMSNext is open to any mom in the community, so we encourage you to invite neighbors and friends who might be looking for a place to connect!

Children’s Ministry

Our nursery, preschool, and kindergarten children meet in the main building, down the hall from our worship space. You can check in for these classes at the west entrance table. Our 1st-5th grade students begin in worship with their families. Midway through our worship service, they are invited to a class in the Life Center building.

Serving Opportunities

So many people faithfully serve up front and behind the scenes every week here at ECC—and we are thankful! Finding a place to serve is an important way to support and engage our mission. If you are looking for a way to get more involved in the ministry and mission of ECC, you can let us know here. Here are a couple of the current areas looking for more people to serve:   • We are looking for people to serve on our with our Audio Visual Team to help with slides during worship on Sunday Mornings • We are also looking for teachers and helpers in our preschool and kindergarten classroom. Those who serve are assigned to one Sunday per month, and they get to share Jesus’ love and care with some pretty awesome kids! Remember, it will take all of us serving together for us to become a community of people who know God, follow Jesus, and pursue God's purposes in the world, and we'd love to have you join us!

Give Online

You can give your offerings here. You can also give to special areas by commenting in the memo line.

Care Team

As Care Team members, our hope is to care for and support those who are hurting during challenging times. We will listen, be present with you, and pray for you. Please respond below to have one of our referrals coordinators contact you.
An Empty Tomb, a Word, and the Next Step
Easter Sunday
Pastor Stacey Littlefield
No Questions This Week!
Spend time with loved ones and enjoy the gifts God gives us in Christ Jesus, risen from the dead, and in big and small ways each day.

Andrew Peterson: Resurrection Letters

Follow the link below to listen to Andrew Peterson's three-volume musical reflection on the death and resurrection of Jesus, Resurrection Letters.
Easter Sunday
O God, who for our redemption gave your only-begotten Son to the death of the cross, and by his glorious resurrection delivered us from the power of our enemy: Grant us so to die daily to sin, that we may evermore live with him in the joy of his resurrection; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.