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Central Christian Church

Weekend Worship | April 7

“Walking Faithfully: Faithfulness in Suffering" | April 7 | Job 12:9-25

Locations & Times

Central Christian Church

2900 N Rock Rd, Wichita, KS 67226, USA

Sunday 9:30 AM

1. Truth of suffering
a. Suffering is part of life here.
1. Truth of suffering
a. Suffering is part of life here.
b. The enemy uses suffering as a way to make us doubt
1. Truth of suffering
a. Suffering is part of life here.
b. The enemy uses suffering as a way to make us doubt
c. He cares
2. Practice of faithfulness
a. Cling to Him
i. He comforts us with His wisdom
2. Practice of faithfulness
a. Cling to Him
i. He comforts us with His wisdom
ii. He comforts us with His presence
“What if being people of “the gospel” meant that we are simply people with good news? God is here. We are loved. It is enough.”

Kate Bowler
2. Practice of faithfulness
a. Cling to Him
i. He comforts us with His wisdom
ii. He comforts us with His presence
iii. He comforts us with His people
2. Practice of faithfulness
a. Cling to Him
i. He comforts us with His wisdom
ii. He comforts us with His presence
iii. He comforts us with His people
b. Knowing now counts forever
2. Practice of faithfulness
a. Cling to Him
i. He comforts us with His wisdom
ii. He comforts us with His presence
iii. He comforts us with His people
b. Knowing now counts forever
c. Giving thanks
2. Practice of faithfulness
a. Cling to Him
i. He comforts us with His wisdom
ii. He comforts us with His presence
iii. He comforts us with His people
b. Knowing now counts forever
c. Giving thanks
d. Walking in humility

Key Theme:
Suffering will be with us until the end but Jesus gives us hope to hold on to in its midst.

Key Application:
Practice faithfulness letting your light shine through the darkness of your pain.

Key Verses:
Job 23:13-14 “But he is unchangeable, and who can turn him back? What he desires, that he does. For he will complete what he appoints for me, and many such things are in his mind.”

Key Questions:
1. What sufferings have you experienced in your life? Maybe you’re in a season now?

2. Write down or discuss how that suffering, pain, or affliction may have tempted you to doubt God’s presence or character?

3. Which comfort: his wisdom, presence, or his people is the hardest for you to believe and reach for? Write out some verses so that you can speak truth when that temptation comes.

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