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The Crossing Fellowship

Easter Service: Things Jesus Never Said Pt. 4

Easter Service: Things Jesus Never Said Pt. 4

Celebrate Easter with us as we wrap up our series; Things Jesus Never Said - What Jesus never said about guilt -

Locations & Times

The Crossing Fellowship

Gothenburg, NE 69138, USA

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Wednesday 11:00 AM

Top 3 Things

Want to know what's going on with The Crossing Fellowship? Check out our Top 3 Things!
Things Jesus Never Said
- You get what you deserve -
Jesus DIDN'T say:
- "Blessed are those who wear fly Easter outfits, for theirs is the Kingdom of God."

- “As often as you gather together, eat Cadbury crème eggs, peeps, and jellybeans in remembrance of me."

- “Come, follow me, and no one will fight in the car on the way to Easter service.”
--> What do we do when we find ourselves guilty before God? <--

The word "excruciating" literally means "Out of the cross"

Ex - out of
Cruciate - cross/crucifix
On the cross, Jesus DIDN'T say:
- "Father, send 1000 angels down to destroy them all!"

- "Father, give them hemorrhoids, hernia's and kidney stones!"
Luke 23:34a NIV
Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."...

Surrendered your life to Christ? Click here!

You have decided to dedicate your life to following Jesus! Congratulations! We want to be the first ones to celebrate and welcome you to the family! You may be wondering; what's next? We want to help you find the answer!

*Tell someone!
Please connect with us and let us celebrate with you! We would love to provide you with some guidance on this new journey!
Send us an email at

*Read your Bible
God's Word provides direction and instruction for living the life that He created us to live. Need help finding where to start? Check out this plan on the YouVersion Bible App

*Begin talking to God through prayer
Prayer is just a conversation with God. Tell Him your hurts, struggles, good things, bad things, concerns, etc... He want's to hear it ALL!

*Connect with a life group
Life is hard. Why make it harder by trying to navigate it on your own? Connect with others to help you along your way.
Click here to find a group

Submit a prayer request

If you would like to ask for prayer or be prayed with, please submit your request here.
Talk it over:
- Did anything resonate with you from the message? What and why?
- What are some common sources of guilt in our lives, and how do they affect our relationship with God and others?
- How do you typically respond when you are struck with guilt? (try to ignore it, beg for forgiveness, hold onto it and let it fester, etc...)
- How does experiencing guilt and shame hinder our ability to fully experience the grace and mercy of God?
- How do you think the thief on the cross would have responded had he been let down off of the cross after Jesus forgave him?
- Read through Ephesians 2:1-10. What stands out to you or resonates with you from that passage?
- Because Christ lives, we can have life! How has encountering Jesus brought about new life and purpose in your life?
- Do you have a genuine relationship with Jesus? If yes, how does it affect you today? If not, what is holding you back from trusting in Christ?

Things Jesus Never Said

Things Jesus Never Said