New Life Christian Center, Eckley CO - USA

#14 - Details, Details, Details (3/17/24)
Our Main Service Message for March 17th, 2024.
Locations & Times
New Life Christian Center
37116-37472 County Rd R, Yuma, CO 80759, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Details - To relate, report or narrate in particulars; to recite the particulars of; to particularize; to relate minutely and distinctly; as, he detailed all the facts in due order. (Webster’s 1828 Dictionary)

Tithe - payment of the tenth part, based on what God has already done.

Offering - that which goes up (ascending to God); sacrificial gift or tribute (to God faithfulness).
3 - in the process of time - at the end of time.
4 - the LORD respected - did not turn away from (what was offered in tribute to His provision).
5 - He did not respect - turned away His sight.
4 - the LORD respected - did not turn away from (what was offered in tribute to His provision).
5 - He did not respect - turned away His sight.

Tithes and offering are forever tied together in God’s sight.
10 - Bring all the tithes into the storehouse - God’s house of treasure.
11 - And I will rebuke the devourer - the result of God’s intent toward the seed-eater.
11 - And I will rebuke the devourer - the result of God’s intent toward the seed-eater.
Alms - charitable gift. Acts 10:22-31. 31 - remembered - a fixture in the mind (of God).

FirstFruits - giving in response to how God is “presently” providing.

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