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The Chapel at Fishhawk

How Your Memory Grows Your Faith?  // Joshua 4

How Your Memory Grows Your Faith? // Joshua 4

Sunday Gathering

Locations & Times

The Chapel at Fishhawk

6026 Churchside Dr, Lithia, FL 33547, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

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Stones of Remembrance: Reflecting on God's Grace
Joshua 4

- The Israelites have crossed the Jordan River miraculously, and Joshua commands them to set up twelve stones as a memorial.
- Emphasizing the Importance of Remembering: Reflecting on God's faithfulness and grace in our lives is essential for our spiritual growth and perseverance.

I. The Command to Remember (Joshua 4:1-7)
- Joshua's Instructions: Joshua commands twelve men, representing the twelve tribes of Israel, to take twelve stones from the Jordan River and set them up as a memorial.
- Purpose of the Memorial: The stones serve as a tangible reminder of God's faithfulness and His miraculous intervention in leading the Israelites into the Promised Land.
- Emphasis on Passing Down the Story: Joshua instructs the Israelites to teach future generations about God's mighty acts, ensuring that His faithfulness is remembered for generations to come.

II. Reflecting on God's Grace (Joshua 4:8-9)
- Gathering the Stones: The twelve men carry out Joshua's command, taking stones from the Jordan River and setting them up at Gilgal.
- Emphasizing God's Provision: The stones serve as a testimony to God's grace and provision, reminding the Israelites of His faithfulness throughout their journey.
- The Role of Grace in Remembering: Reflecting on God's grace enables us to see His hand at work in our lives, even in the midst of trials and challenges.

III. Sharing the Story of God's Faithfulness (Joshua 4:10-24)
- Passing Down the Story: Joshua recounts the story of God's faithfulness to the Israelites, from their deliverance out of Egypt to their crossing of the Jordan River.
- Emphasis on Grace: Throughout the narrative, God's grace is evident, as He continually provides for and protects His people.
- Application to Our Lives: We are called to share our own stories of God's faithfulness and grace, testifying to His goodness and mercy in our lives.

- The Importance of Stones of Remembrance: Just as the Israelites set up stones to remember God's faithfulness, we are called to remember and reflect on His grace in our lives.
- Invitation to Remember: Let us take time to reflect on God's faithfulness and grace, setting up our own "stones of remembrance" as a testimony to His goodness and mercy.
- Closing Prayer: Pray for God's grace to continue working in our lives, enabling us to remember His faithfulness and share His story with others.

Foundational Stones Of Salvation - Jesus Is Greater Series #3

Foundational Stones Of Salvation - Jesus Is Greater Series #3