Cross Bridge Church - A Church of the Nazarene

The Map - Part 8: The Wasted Years
Our mission is helping people move from where they are to where God wants them to be.
Locations & Times
Cross Bridge Church
651 Barnes Blvd, Rockledge, FL 32955, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
An Important Teaching—Numbers 15 teaches an important lesson to those walking the journey of salvation: not all sins are equal.
Spiritual Application:
o All sin is serious and needs attornment.
o Not all sins are the same. Some sins are much more serious.
A Troubling Conclusion for 3 Tribes East of the Jordan and what we can learn from them.
Spiritual Application:
o All sin is serious and needs attornment.
o Not all sins are the same. Some sins are much more serious.
A Troubling Conclusion for 3 Tribes East of the Jordan and what we can learn from them.

Chronicles of Narnia in the book, The Magician's Nephew:
“Everybody ultimately gets what they want, though they don’t always like it."
“Everybody ultimately gets what they want, though they don’t always like it."
Spiritual growth happens when we receive new knowledge and then apply it to our lives. This always happens best in the context of community. Take time this week and engage in these additional scriptures and questions on your own. Then, discuss them with your Small Group.“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” Proverbs 27:17
This Sunday, we celebrated baptism. Take time for each group member to share their baptism story.
From this weekend’s sermon, which statement, point, or insight was most helpful, challenging, or even confusing to you personally?
Take time to read or listen to Numbers 15 and 32 before meeting with your group this week. Talk about a time your child made a mistake or blatantly disobeyed you. Does one of these bother you more than the other? Talk about why.
We often state the fact that all sin is sin and, therefore, equal. How does Numbers 15:22-31 challenge this?
What are some examples of unintentional sins?
What are some examples of defiant sins?
How can you discern between moments of unintentional sin and willful disobedience in your life, and what steps can you take to address any areas of defiance or complacency?
Reflecting on the story of the tribes of Reuben and Gad settling for land east of the Jordan instead of pressing on to the promised land, what are some areas in your own life where you may have settled for less than God's best?
How can we pray for one another?
Spiritual growth happens when we receive new knowledge and then apply it to our lives. This always happens best in the context of community. Take time this week and engage in these additional scriptures and questions on your own. Then, discuss them with your Small Group.“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” Proverbs 27:17
This Sunday, we celebrated baptism. Take time for each group member to share their baptism story.
From this weekend’s sermon, which statement, point, or insight was most helpful, challenging, or even confusing to you personally?
Take time to read or listen to Numbers 15 and 32 before meeting with your group this week. Talk about a time your child made a mistake or blatantly disobeyed you. Does one of these bother you more than the other? Talk about why.
We often state the fact that all sin is sin and, therefore, equal. How does Numbers 15:22-31 challenge this?
What are some examples of unintentional sins?
What are some examples of defiant sins?
How can you discern between moments of unintentional sin and willful disobedience in your life, and what steps can you take to address any areas of defiance or complacency?
Reflecting on the story of the tribes of Reuben and Gad settling for land east of the Jordan instead of pressing on to the promised land, what are some areas in your own life where you may have settled for less than God's best?
How can we pray for one another?
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