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The Crossing Fellowship

The Book of Ruth part 2 - Jon Phillips

The Book of Ruth part 2 - Jon Phillips

Part 2 in our series: The Book of Ruth

Locations & Times

The Crossing Fellowship

Gothenburg, NE 69138, USA

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Wednesday 11:00 AM

Top 3 Things

Check this out to see what is going on at The Crossing Fellowship
The Book of Ruth --2
"Finding the love that you want"
* Marriage rates have dropped 60%
* 63% of men under 30 choose to be single
* 77% of millennials prefer to live with their partner before marriage
* If you do what most people do, you'll get what most people get *
* In order to find the right person, you have to be the right person *
Talk it over:
- What are some traits about Boaz that you notice from the story?
- What are some traits about Ruth that you notice from the story?
Qualities of Boaz:
* He honors her
* He protects her
* He provides for her
* He prays for her
To Do List:
--> Keep watch for the providence of God this week.

--> Married ones: Are you being Boaz for your Ruth? Are you being Ruth for your Boaz? Ask them.

--> Unmarried: Are you living the life that you hope your future spouse is living?

--> Are you still stuck in Moab?
Talk it over:
- What are your views on dating/marriage? Do people do it right today? Do people do it wrong?
- If you're married or dating, how did you meet your spouse/significant other?
- Looking back on your life, can you see the providence of God? What are some examples of God working in the "ordinary" in your life?
- What are some traits that you look for in a spouse?
- What are some traits that you hope to display in yourself?
- What in your life needs to change to become the person that God created and calls you to be? BE SPECIFIC

Reset Your Life: Wisdom From the Book of Ruth

Reset Your Life: Wisdom From the Book of Ruth


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