Community Church of Portage Lakes

Seeing Jesus’ Glory (Matthew 17:1-12) -- Who Do You Say I am Week 4
Locations & Times
Community Church of Portage Lakes
3260 Cormany Road, Akron, OH 44319, USA
Sunday 9:15 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM

Learn more about upcoming events and Community Groups, submit a prayer request, or give online. for this message:
I. Exposing the gap between our ____________________ and _______________________
Knowing truths _________________________ but not _______________________________
II. A glimpse of Jesus’ _______________________________________________________
a. God’s self-revelation through ____________________________________________
b. The ____________________________________________________ of Jesus’ glory
III. The glory revealed in ______________________________________________________
a. The reason they ____________________________________________ Jesus’ glory
b. ______________________________________________ by the glory of the Gospel
Through Jesus we can stand in the _______________________________________________
IV. Seeing Jesus’ glory in our __________________________________________________
a. Our desire to __________________________ to the _________________________
b. Seeing his glory ______________________________________________________
c. Seeing his glory ______________________________________________________
d. The ____________________________________________ to focus on Jesus’ glory