CCC Service

Weekend Worship | October 1
“Road to Completion: Holds the Faith in Love" | October 1 | James 2:1-13
Locations & Times
Central Christian Church
2900 N Rock Rd, Wichita, KS 67226, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
I. The temptation to favor
I. The temptation to favor
a. Selfish ambition
a. Selfish ambition
I. The temptation to favor
a. Selfish ambition
b. Selfish gain
c. Self importance
a. Selfish ambition
b. Selfish gain
c. Self importance
II. True love
II. True love
a. Hold tight to the faith
a. Hold tight to the faith
II. True love
a. Hold tight to the faith
b. Value what He values
a. Hold tight to the faith
b. Value what He values
II. True love
a. Hold tight to the faith
b. Value what He values
c. Judge with mercy
a. Hold tight to the faith
b. Value what He values
c. Judge with mercy
Key Theme:
The road to completion is one of striving to look at others as God does and love them as He loved us.
Key Application:
Base our interactions with others not upon selfishness but on the love of God and the call to love our neighbor as ourself.
Key Verse:
James 2:8-9 “If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well. But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.”
Key Questions:
1. Write down or discuss a time you allowed selfish motivation to affect how you treated someone.
2. Do you struggle to walk in the mercy and grace that Jesus has given you? Write down three reasons why that is the case? Can you find Scripture to speak to the truth of those?
3. Write down three ways you could love your neighbor as yourself this week?
The road to completion is one of striving to look at others as God does and love them as He loved us.
Key Application:
Base our interactions with others not upon selfishness but on the love of God and the call to love our neighbor as ourself.
Key Verse:
James 2:8-9 “If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well. But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.”
Key Questions:
1. Write down or discuss a time you allowed selfish motivation to affect how you treated someone.
2. Do you struggle to walk in the mercy and grace that Jesus has given you? Write down three reasons why that is the case? Can you find Scripture to speak to the truth of those?
3. Write down three ways you could love your neighbor as yourself this week?
Download Today's Takeaways for today’s sermon are available upon request in the church office.
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