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Christian Life Church

September 24, 2023 at 8:30am & 10:00am

September 24, 2023 at 8:30am & 10:00am


Locations & Times

Christian Life Church Columbia

2700 Bush River Rd, Columbia, SC 29210, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

Keep Your Eye On The Almond Tree 9.24.23

Last week…
James 5:16 Young’s Literal Translation Be confessing to one another the trespasses, and be
praying for one another, that ye may be healed; very strong is a working supplication of a
righteous man.

The Spirit of Antichrist seeks to exhaust us by distorting:
Persistence (steadfastness)

Mike Bickle - The 25 to 1 Principle

Today’s background…1 Kings 18:1-19:21

I want to consider some other principles today.

I. God is always watching over His Word.

A. Jeremiah 1:11, 12 Then the Lord said to me, “Look, Jeremiah! What do you see? ”And I replied, “I see a branch from an almond tree.” 12 And the Lord said, “That’s right, and it means that I am watching, and I will certainly carry out all my plans.”

B. We need to understand the awesome responsibility of “watching.” There appears to be a group of angels whose function is to “watch.” But the most important “watching” is done by the Lord Himself.

C. He is able to “keep.”

D. He is able to “complete” what He has begun in us.

E. He is able to “bring us out,” and He is able to “bring us in.”

F. “Satan has desired to sift you as wheat - but I have prayed for you that your faith doesn’t fail.”

II. The enemy traffics in condemnation, manipulation, fear, and control.

A. 1 Kings 18:1-19:21

B. Something snapped in Elijah.

1. Despair over evil - “It is enough; take away my life.”

a. Despair doesn’t come from outward pressure. It comes from inner tension that doesn’t get resolved.

b. The enemy is like an octopus who has many arms. It is so easy for us to feel overwhelmed, outmanned, and outgunned.

2. Anger against evil people and institutions - “Don’t let one of them escape!” and “I have been jealous for the Lord God!”

a. He failed to deal with his fatigue - “He fled for his life.”

b. Disappointment with friends and co-workers - “He left his servant and went alone.”

c. He lost balance by forgetting the rhythm of life (work/worship, rest/play) - “Arise and eat.”

d. He allowed himself to indulge in self-pity - “I’m the only one left.”

e. He forgot God plays the long game - He was given three commands that would take years to materialize.

f. Failure to discern God’s voice properly - “But the Lord was not in the wind, the earthquake, or the fire.”

III. The enemy uses our soulish man to get our attention off the main goal.

A. Three voices: Satan, Self, Spirit

B. Concerning the matter of de-railing the prophet: a lesser voice did what a greater voice could not do.

C. He had forgotten the movements of The Spirit (David du Plessis - travel and transportation).

D. It is interesting that God didn’t even consider the words of Jezebel as a problem for Elijah. Vengeance is something God handles only on His terms.

Consider this…

Some say balance is over-rated or even un-scriptural. I disagree.

o Balance is the norm. It is healthy and should be our “default mode.”

o Even so, there are seasons of intensity and seasons of deliberate rest or even abandon. These seasons must be ordered and orchestrated by The Lord. For instance, Paul spoke of situations concerning fasting in 1 Corinthians 7, and a newlywed man was exempt from military service during the first year of marriage.

o We will experience adrenaline moments, and moments of withdrawal — and all of them are by Divine design if we are walking in The Spirit.

Great Expectations

1. Wars are made up of many battles. Settle in for a Journey.

2. Accept the reality of a “mixed multitude,” and cherish those who are faithful.

3. Establish personal disciplines. (Rhythm and Balance)

4. Cultivate an understanding of what The Lord is doing through Scripture and intimacy with God. Give the utmost attention to this life of intimacy with God.

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