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OneLife Church

Buzzwords - Part 5 - Believe

Buzzwords - Part 5 - Believe

Locations & Times

North Campus

3503 W Emory Rd, Powell, TN 37849, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

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To place confidence in.

To entrust.
Does it move me to action?
Does it make me look and act like Jesus?
Does it go beyond an idea to a lifestyle?

When have you known something to be true, right, or best for you, but it didn't change anything in what you did or how you lived? What were the consequences of that? (i.e. you knew the speed limit but didn't change your speed, you knew the assignment was due but still didn't do it, etc.)?

What have you known something to be true, right, or best and had such confidence in it that it led you to take action or change your lifestyle? What did other people around you think or how did they misunderstand?

Read James 2:14. Why do you think he's asking questions here instead of just giving instruction?

When he asks the question "Can that kind of faith save anyone?" what does it make you think about (what kind of examples come to mind)? How would you answer this question?

How can you use the two questions in these verses to have simple conversations with people who say they believe in God?


Read James 2:15-18. Each time James talks about good deeds, Christians and churches usually assume that means we need to force ourselves to do good things to prove our faith. But James seems to be explaining it the other way around. Just like an apple tree naturally produces apples and doesn't have to force itself to do that, faith will naturally produce good deeds including obedience, sacrifice, trust, forgiveness, and generosity.

When you have truly had faith - confidence in Jesus and entrusting him with your whole self - what were natural responses to that did you see happen? What did you want to do that you didn't want to do before that were "good" to do? What did you naturally find yourself doing to entrust Jesus more and with more?

Read James 2:19-20. When have your actions and lifestyle shown that you think you have faith simply because you "believe" intellectually that God is real? What does the reality that even the demons believe that make you think or feel?

Process as a micro church each of the three questions about what you consider to be your faith as it stands now. Answer these honestly about where you are now, not where you want to be (we'll do that next!).

Does it move me to action? How? Why or why not?

Does it make me look and act like Jesus? How? Why or why not?

Does it go beyond an idea and to a lifestyle? How? Why or why not?

As you answered those questions honestly, what did you feel conviction about or what did you sense the Spirit of God leading you to do?

Now, what are you going to do about it?!

Take a moment to pray for each person in the micro church to obey and take steps to do something about what you sensed the Spirit leading you to do. Pray that we will help each other take these steps, encourage each other to do what God is leading us to do, and to hold each other accountable. Pray that people in our lives where we live, work, and play would see our faith in action and be open to spiritual conversations.

Online Connection Card

Let us know that you were here, what your next step is that you are taking, or how we can pray for you and help you!