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Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church

The Way of Jesus - Matthew: Wheat and Weeds Growing Together

The Way of Jesus - Matthew: Wheat and Weeds Growing Together

How are we to live as fruit-bearing Wheat, in a weed-infested world?

Locations & Times

Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church

7127 Dutchland Pkwy, Liberty Township, OH 45044, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

Welcome to Royal Redeemer!

We're glad you made the choice to join in worship today.  We'd love for you to leave this hour knowing God is with you and you are energized to live out your faith through love for family, friends, and all the people God gives you.  We'd like to get to know you better and respond to any needs that you or your family may have, so click the link below to record your presence with us and to share any prayer requests or care needs.

The Chosen Bible Study

We belong to the family of God because Jesus invites us, making the Bible and all its promises as true for us today as it was for God’s chosen nation. Once we belong to Him, we’re not only given a new identity, we’re ushered into a new reality. One that is sure, powerful, and life-changing.

Each week this group will watch an episode from the series “The Chosen” and use the study guide “What Does It Mean to Be Chosen?” to connect participants to the Bible in a brand-new way.

This study includes:
A deeper look at Isaiah 43 and its fulfillment in Jesus and the lives of His followers (including us!)
Script excerpts, quotes, and illustrations from the show
Guiding questions for groups or individuals

Being chosen by Jesus has beautiful and far-reaching implications—although it says even more about the Chooser than the choosees! We are loved because He is love. We are saved because He is merciful. We belong to the family of God because Jesus invites us, making the Bible and all its promises as true for us today as it was for God’s chosen people.

What does it actually mean to be Chosen? To answer that question, we’re going Old school—Testament that is—which leads us back to the New. Which always leads us directly to Jesus!

Women of the Word - New Session

Do you have trouble thinking of words to say to God when you pray? Are you afraid some emotions are too intense to express to God? Do you reach the end of a day only to realize you haven’t prayed at all? You’re not alone. Prayer is the way we relate to God, but sometimes it’s a struggle. Throughout God’s Word, we encounter many voices who teach us how to pray.

In this 7-session study, join with six beloved Bible teachers who will help you study prayers in the Bible that can inspire your own. You’ll learn that God welcomes your praise and lament, your thanksgiving and intercession. You’ll see examples of how to pray when you’re alone and when you’re gathered with others. Above all, you’ll notice there’s no one right way to pray. As you draw near to God through prayer, you’ll find your faith strengthened and your heart united to Christ.

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To signup for these opportunities and more, visit our Signups page!
Parables in the Gospels are typically stories that reveal: How God is inaugurating His heavenly reign on earth through Jesus, or How disciples should live in view of God's reign.

They show God's Grace to believers by giving them the ability to understand the parables of the Kingdom. And they show God's Mercy to unbelievers by keeping these truths from them so that they wouldn't be held accountable for even more truths at the final judgment.
Last week - the Parable of the Sower: The seed was all good, but all the soil was not good.

This week - The Parable of the Weeds: The soil is good, but not all the seed is good.
The Parable of the Weeds explained (verses 37-39)
- The One Who sows the good seed = the Son of Man (Jesus)
- The Field = the World
- The good seed = the people of the Kingdom (believers)
- The weeds = the people of the evil one (un-believers)
- The enemy who sowed the weeds = the devil
- The harvest = the end of the age (the final judgment)
- The harvesters = angels
In verses 40 and 41 Jesus connects the parable to the end of the age
"How are we to live as fruit-bearing wheat in a 'weed-infested world'?"

- We live knowing that evil will exist along with good in the world until the final judgment.

- We live with an eternal perspective, having the Word and Sacraments, and Confession and Absolution to strengthen us in our faith

- We live in fellowship and community with each other which helps us persevere in the struggles of life.

Go Deeper

If you would like to listen to this message or download a study guide to use for a devotion or to go deeper on this topic, please follow this link:


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