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CrossWay Church

June 4, 2022: Luke 19: 1-10

June 4, 2022: Luke 19: 1-10

These are the Bible passage and sermon notes for our Sunday morning worship services.

Locations & Times

CrossWay Church Battle Ground

311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA

Sunday 9:30 AM

Luke 19:1-10: Zaccheaus encounters Jesus

I) Zacchaeus desired to see Jesus.

A) Zaccheaus was the ________ tax collector.

1) Zacchaeus was embedded in ____________ culture.

2) He was _______________ and lived a comfortable life.

3) Jesus recently ________________ that wealth often hinders people from pursuing God.

B) Zaccheaus ______________ himself to see Jesus.

II) Jesus pursued Zaccheaus.

A) Jesus __________ himself to Zaccheaus’s home.

B) Zaccheaus responded _____________ to Jesus’s invitation.

C) The _________ cannot believe Jesus would spend time with such a sinner.

D) Zaccheaus repented.

1) He was aware of his sin -how he ____________ some.

2) He committed to work toward _______________.

E) Jesus made it clear that Zaccheaus was __________.

F) Jesus came to _________ and save lost people.

III) Application

A) How strong is your desire to see Jesus?

B) What sins do you need to repent of? How can you restore things?

C) Who are the people you look down on and think are too far away from God?

D) Who are the folks in your life that seem too far away from God?

Remember: Jesus is on a mission to seek the lost. What is impossible with man is possible with God!

E) Who are the non-believers in your life that God may be calling you to reach out and spend time with?

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