First Free Church

Worship Together
Adam Bowers
Locations & Times
First Free Church
1375 Carman Rd, Ballwin, MO 63021, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
If you’re new, welcome! We’re so glad you’re with us today, and we’d love to get to know you! Please connect with us at! You can also stop by the Welcome Center in the west entrance to fill out a Connect Card and get a free gift. Together
We are so excited about our focus for 2023 - Back Together! Check out for more details and to download the Bible reading plan, sign up to host or attend a Dinner Together, and subscribe to our podcasts! Louis County Police Department Public Safety Seminars
First Free is hosting a series of free public safety seminars (the last one is May 16!) put on by the St. Louis County Police Dept. Topics include cyber security, mental health crisis intervention, and more. Registration is required, so head to for all of the info! Dedication
Our next Child Dedication is on May 21st during second service! Child dedication is a celebration of the covenant between God, parents or guardians, and the church to raise a child according to God’s Word. If you would like to dedicate your child (any child, regardless of age, can be dedicated by their parent or guardian), register by emailing Free Carnival
Join us on May 21st at noon out in the north parking lot for one of our very favorite events – the First Free Carnival! We’ll celebrate being #BackTogether with a free burger/hot dog lunch, games, and a petting zoo! See you there! Distracted Driving
Texting while driving is 6x more likely to cause an accident than driving drunk, and distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents in teenagers. We’re partnering with West County EMS & Fire to host a Stop Distracted Driving event in our parking lot on May 21st. Teens and other church and community members are invited to attend this powerful demonstration of how dangerous driving distracted can be. Women's Simulcast
Join us on June 10 from 8:30-3:30 to spend a day centering our hearts on God's Word. This isn’t your typical simulcast – we’re providing breakfast and lunch, have fun ice breakers planned, and are including time for fellowship, worship, and prayer. You’ll leave feeling encouraged and empowered. Cost: $25 Grab your spot below, and then invite your friends and family!'s BBQ
Join the men‘s ministry on June 7 at 6:30 pm in Room 110 for a BBQ! This is an event for men of all ages and life stages (young & old, single & married) to get to know brothers in Christ. Let us know you're coming at!‘How God Makes Men’ Study
Men, don’t settle for less! Join us on this epic adventure of becoming God’s man. You’ll discover how to prevail in tough times and release God’s power in every area of your life. The study begins June 18 from 9-10 am in Room 311. Register below.'s Bible Study
Men’s Bible studies meet Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm. You can get the details at of Hope Tutoring
Right now, the two elementary schools nearest Bridge of Hope in north St. Louis city have only a 4-6% reading proficiency rate, but you can help improve that number. If you’ve been looking for a tangible way to impact the lives of others during the pandemic, we’ve got a great one for you! Bridge of Hope has created an online tutoring program to help these children learn to read. It only takes 40 minutes, twice a week, and the impact can last a lifetime.
Bridge of Hope provides the curriculum and training you need to be successful.
To learn more about how you can get involved and help change a life, email
Bridge of Hope provides the curriculum and training you need to be successful.
To learn more about how you can get involved and help change a life, email
In his letter to the Galatians, Paul encourages believers to “share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). Life can be hard sometimes, and we aren’t meant to go it alone - we’re meant to do it as part of a group. If you're interested in joining or starting a Group, check out! Ministry
Every Sunday could be someone’s first Sunday so our Connections team - our parking lot team, greeters, Welcome Center hosts, and ushers - strives to provide a welcoming environment from the moment someone pulls into our parking lot. if you have a love for others and a heart for hospitality, we'd love to have you join the team! Get in touch using the link below. Center App and Directory
Church Center is a hub for First Free - you can manage giving, find a group, reserve your spot for a Sunday service, and more. The app also has a directory! Download the app, go to your profile and ‘My Directory Settings’ and choose the information you’d like included in the Directory. If you need help, email Open!
The library is back open for business before and after the 11 am in-person service on Sundays (hooray for books!).
Please be sure to return the books you already have out, even if the library is technically closed when you are there. There's a slot in the security gate where books can be placed. When in the library, please keep your masks on and s
Please be sure to return the books you already have out, even if the library is technically closed when you are there. There's a slot in the security gate where books can be placed. When in the library, please keep your masks on and s
RightNow Media
We wanted to remind you that RightNow Media has thousands of videos for your kids and loads of Bible studies for you to help you stay grounded in your faith during all of this stay at home time. We’re giving you free access to the RightNow Media library, so head over to to learn more and get signed up. Help?
We know that the coronavirus outbreak is impacting us all a little differently. If you need help, let us know by heading to and clicking on ‘I need help’. And if you can offer help, click on ‘I can help’. If you need prayer, visit We want you to know that we’re here for you even if we can’t be physically here for you, and we’ll get through this together! Team
We’re looking for volunteers to join our Photography Team! To get involved, fill out the form at
Our sermons and Preparing for Worship emails are now available as podcasts!