Valley Church
The Happiness of Pursuit
We look forward to worshipping with you today!
Locations & Times
Valley Church
4343 Fuller Rd, West Des Moines, IA 50265, USA
Sunday 8:15 AM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Welcome to Valley!
We are so glad that you could celebrate with us today.
We are so glad that you could celebrate with us today.
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Your gifts make our ministry possible. Thank you for your ongoing generosity! Combine DESIRE and DILIGENCE.
2. LIGHT your WORLD.
6. Choose companions carefully.
7. Pursue GOD. Experience the HAPPINESS of PURSUIT.
Discussion Questions
1. Read Proverbs 13:4. Combine desire and diligence. Is there anything important in your life that you have put off doing? Or quit because it feels too hard? In what area of your life might God be calling you to take action this week?
2. Read Proverbs 13:9. Light your world. Sometimes we are better at throwing shade than shining bright. Don’t hide your light under a bushel! Where are you tempted to do so? In what practical way can you shine the light in your neighborhood, workplace, group, or community? What does shining brightly mean toward the One Life whom God has placed in your path?
3. Read Proverbs 13:10. Rethink your self. Share a fun story when you were sure you were right, but you were wrong. What are the advantages of cultivating a teachable heart and mind? How does arrogance ruin everything?
4. Read Proverbs 13:12. Take the journey anyway. What God-given desires have you been waiting on for a long time? List the reasons that you should keep following Jesus and trusting God.
5. Read Proverbs 13:19. Manage your passions. Sometimes we can want something too much. How does excessive ambition cloud better judgment? Where are you prone to rationalize? Why is repentance (turning from wrong, turning to God) the more rewarding route?
6. Read Proverbs 13:20. Choose companions carefully. Who are some of your life companions? How do they influence you? How do you influence them? How does this passage relate to scrolling social media? What’s the best way to choose wise companions?
7. Read Proverbs 13:25. Pursue God. Experience the happiness of pursuit. Read Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:19-34. How can we replace the anxieties of worry and the pursuit of earthly treasure? What are practical steps in seeking first the kingdom of God?
2. Read Proverbs 13:9. Light your world. Sometimes we are better at throwing shade than shining bright. Don’t hide your light under a bushel! Where are you tempted to do so? In what practical way can you shine the light in your neighborhood, workplace, group, or community? What does shining brightly mean toward the One Life whom God has placed in your path?
3. Read Proverbs 13:10. Rethink your self. Share a fun story when you were sure you were right, but you were wrong. What are the advantages of cultivating a teachable heart and mind? How does arrogance ruin everything?
4. Read Proverbs 13:12. Take the journey anyway. What God-given desires have you been waiting on for a long time? List the reasons that you should keep following Jesus and trusting God.
5. Read Proverbs 13:19. Manage your passions. Sometimes we can want something too much. How does excessive ambition cloud better judgment? Where are you prone to rationalize? Why is repentance (turning from wrong, turning to God) the more rewarding route?
6. Read Proverbs 13:20. Choose companions carefully. Who are some of your life companions? How do they influence you? How do you influence them? How does this passage relate to scrolling social media? What’s the best way to choose wise companions?
7. Read Proverbs 13:25. Pursue God. Experience the happiness of pursuit. Read Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:19-34. How can we replace the anxieties of worry and the pursuit of earthly treasure? What are practical steps in seeking first the kingdom of God?