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First Baptist Church, South Haven

Worship Gathering: 2/26/2023

Worship Gathering: 2/26/2023

Join us for in-person worship in the sanctuary or live on Facebook at 10:30am. The service will also be posted to YouTube and Archive later in the week.

Locations & Times

First Baptist Church

10781 76th St, South Haven, MI 49090, USA

Sunday 10:30 AM



Please use our website as a resource tool to stay informed and up to date on our most current activities. **Please Note*** Under "Resources" we have a page for "FBC Members Only" which has our latest emails and any pertinent info from Pastor Jerry.  If you try to access this page, you will need the password "Know Him" to see the content.

Live Stream

If you're unable to join us in person, you can view today's service live on our Facebook page beginning at 10:30 AM.


View today's message later this week on our YouTube channel.

Weekly Bulletin

View this week's bulletin including general announcements and weekly prayer requests by clicking here.

Prayer Requests

Please let us know how we can pray for you or if you are in need of specific care or encouragement.
Brought to Safety by God
Peter 3:18-22
Pastor Jerry Koller
· As the Apostles Creed states, He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried;
· What was done by Jesus was so complete, it would be valid forever, never needing to be repeated again.
He was put to death in the body—Being put to death is the ultimate price someone can pay for doing good.
But made alive by the Spirit.
He was made alive in the spirit.
He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit.
· Like many other things, Noah and the ark are a foreshadow of what was yet to come.
· It was a foreshadow of salvation.
Keep in mind that salvation does not just come though just one person in the Godhead. All three formulated it. All three carried out the plan. All three will bring it to completion.
Keep in mind that salvation can only come about through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
What was credited to Abraham? The blood of Jesus.
You see, there is no other way for a person to be saved. That is in accordance with God’s divine plan.
The spirits in prison are human beings who are held in bondage to sin. This has been the condition of man ever since the fall.
I know some think this is a reference to fallen angels—those who chose to follow Lucifer in his sin.
· Angels, even if they are fallen, cannot reproduce with humans. Humans and angels are not the same.
Even though Peter refers to those in prison as spirits, that does not mean they are literally spirits—non-physical entities.
· Spirit refers to the part of man that is immaterial. It is the part of man that has the ability to interact with God. Nothing else in all of creation has this ability.
· Death includes physical as well as spiritual death. Those imprisoned in sin have no spiritual life.
God gave mankind 120 years before judgment would be executed. And at the end of those 120 years, only eight would be saved from judgment.
In this illustration, water would be a reference to the flood waters that God used in judgment.
· It was God who saved Noah.
Peter is using a symbol to symbolize another symbol.
· Old Testament baptism was a symbolic ritual in which dirt was removed from the body as a way of illustrating spiritual cleansing.
· Water itself cannot remove sin.
· Baptism in the New Testament was still a symbol of spiritual cleansing.
· It is an outward symbol of something that has taken place inwardly—in a person’s heart.
· It symbolized both death and new life.
Those who are fully immersed in Christ—those who are truly saved, are fully immersed, are fully and completely immersed in His death.
When dealing with symbols in the Bible, we must always ask, “What is being symbolized?”
· Water, in 1 Peter 3:21 symbolized judgment—death.
· Likewise, baptism symbolizes death.
· It symbolizes death to self.
· It symbolized the death of Christ which paid the price for our sin. It is His death that saves us.
It is through His death that we have received a good conscience toward God.
Peter understood that to sit at a sovereign’s “right hand” indicated a position of great favor and authority.
· Everything in the spiritual realm—good or bad—are in submission to Him.
· Everything on earth is already in submission to Him.
· When Jesus returns again, His power and authority will be made known to everyone in its fullest sense for He will exercise His power and authority over sin, evil, and the Evil one.
Jesus Christ has conquered sin.
We are victors.

Happy Birthday!

· Miriam Bryant (2/26)
· Adam Parmenter (2/27)
· Paige Zantello (2/28)
· Avery Zantello (3/1)
· Sharon Danapilis (3/3)
· Eleanora Hagger (3/5)
· Hayden Rooker (3/5)

Happy Anniversary!

· Brian & Beth Bocock (2/27, 24 years).

Next Week’s Servants (3/5)

· Café Bakers: Tina Wilburn (casserole) | Larry Dobberstein (donuts)
· Café Attendant: Tina Wilburn
· Nursery: Patty Bales, Paul Fitton

Aftermath Schedule

Aftermath will not meet today. It will resume next week on Sunday, 3/5.

Coming Soon: Trivia Spring 2023

Mark your calendar for March 25 from 6:00-9:00pm for our annual event. More details coming soon!

Ways YOU Can Bless Dan and Tracy Marshall

We have a few ways that people can help Dan and Tracy Marshall as they continue to seek medical assistance for their 8-year-old son, Nolan, and spend 24/7 at the hospital with him. Here are a few ways you can help:

BRING THEM A MEAL/SEND A RESTAURANT GIFT CARD: If you are able to deliver dinner to them, please sign up at They will have a cooler near the front door available to place items in. No need to ring the bell, just drop off and go.

HELP WITH RILEY: Spend some time with Riley after school on Monday, Wednesdays, and/or Fridays. He gets off the bus at 3 and would love for someone to play video games with him; take him to the local arcade, listen and hold cards for him while he practices his trombone, possibly help with homework, etc. The scheduled time spot for this is 3-6pm, but there is some flexibility in that. Please just reach out to Kim or Erin and let them know what works for you. Their contact info is on the sign-up page. If you're able to take a shift, please sign-up at [Tip: Click on the "month" tab to see what days are available.]

FUNDRAISER: We will host a fundraiser in the near future involving a meal and possibly a silent auction and more. We're still working out the date and other details. In the meantime, if you're interested in helping with the event or donating items for it, please contact Kim Collins or Erin (Blough) Hibma. More details coming soon.

AMAZON WISH LIST: At the suggestion of friends, Dan & Tracy have put together an Amazon wish list (although items can be purchased anywhere and snack items can be in smaller quantities) of snacks and activities that will be helpful for Nolan in the hospital as well as Riley at home during this stressful time. You can view the list at

Please continue to keep Dan, Tracy and their boys in prayer. They're weary. They're stressed. They are being bombarded from a million different ways. While it's okay to text them words of encouragement, please know you may not get an answer back. Also, if there are any questions or suggestions for ways to help, etc. please contact Erin or Kim as we are trying to alleviate some of their load and coordinate whatever we can.

Thank you for loving and supporting them in this journey!

We Care: Warm Your Heart Month

February is the month that We Care raises money for their heat assistance program. Check out their website to see how you can participate and help.

Childcare Help Needed

If you are able to provide childcare in the FBC Nursery during the Wednesday morning Bible study from 9:30-11:30am, please contact Tina Wilburn or Kim Collins.

Mission Cafe

Sundays | 9:00-10:15am | Mission Cafe

The Mission Café is a great place to have a breakfast treat and coffee, enjoy lively conversation and have fun while helping support missions at First Baptist. All items are store bought and served safely. Featuring:
¨ Donuts
¨ Bagels
¨ English Muffins
¨ Snacks
¨ Hot & Cold Beverages
¨ And more!
For your convenience, we accept cash, check and debit/credit cards!

Online Giving is Available!

If you would like to support our ministries by giving an online donation via debit/credit card or your bank account, you can do so by using this link:


You can download the app by clicking the link below from your cell phone or tablet. By using the app, you can conveniently view recorded Sunday worship services; look up addresses and phone numbers for other church members; update your personal information; register for events; tithe online; send prayer requests; and more.  We're excited to bring another avenue of communication to you!  If you have any questions or issues, please contact Kim.

On the Calendar

mission café
Sundays | 9:00-10:15am | Mission Cafe

children’s sunday school
Sundays | 9:15-10:15am | Classroom 3
· Ages 5 years old through 5th grade
· Contact Bailey Rooker for questions or more information.

Sundays | 10:30am | Sanctuary
· If you're unable to join us in-person, you can watch live on Facebook or view later in the week on Facebook or YouTube or listen to an audio only version on Archive.

children’s worship
Sundays | 10:30am | Children’s Worship Room
· Ages 5 years old through 5th grade
· Contact Alyssa Newell for questions or more information.

Sundays | after worship | Upstairs
· Join us for lunch and a discussion about the worship message.
· No class 2/26; resumes on 3/5
· Contact Pastor Jerry for questions or more information.

youth group
Sundays | 1:00-3:00pm | FBC upstairs
· Middle & High School students
· Contact Allie Wilson for questions or more information.

men’s bible study
Tuesdays | 7:00-8:30pm | Mission Café
· Contact Paul Fitton or Larry Dobberstein for questions or more information.

bible study
Wednesdays | 9:30-11:30am | Classroom 3
· Contact Tina Wilburn for questions or more information.

reason class
Wednesdays | 7:00-8:00pm | Conference Room
· Contact Pastor Jerry for questions or more information.

church office open
Wednesdays | 11:00am-4:00pm

women’s craft group
Thursdays | 6:30pm | Classroom 2
· Contact Tracy Marshall for questions or more information.
· Caroline Bocock has been terribly ill as she is dealing with a Lyme Disease outbreak. Some of her symptoms included being in excruciating pain, having blackouts, issues with sleeping, darkening vision, random skin issues, a constant headache since 11/5, and so much more. She is taking a regiment of medications to get the it under control.
· Nolan Marshall (son of Dan & Tracy) is receiving outpatient therapy, but hasn’t found an even keel yet. His school is refusing to let him return to the classroom. The Marshall family is still very much in crisis mode and continued prayers are appreciated as they try to adjust medications and work with Nolan to manage his diagnoses.
· Shirley Means (Miriam Bryant's sister) who is hospitalized for the second time this month with heart problems and breathing issues. She is in Henderson, Nevada.
· Candace (daughter of Vasha Ferguson's friend, Leslie Robinson) is 44 years old and recovering from a stroke at a nursing home. She is unable to walk, her short-term memory and movement on her right side are impaired; speech is good.
· Marge Benham is doing well. She is working with physical therapy on weight bearing activities.
· Roberta Newton is recovering at home following a procedure to repair a leaking blood vessel. Cards can be sent to Roberta Newton, P.O. Box 51, Palmadale FL 33944.
· Shannon French (son of Curt & Patty Bales) continues eye drop treatment for an infection. It looks the damaged part is creating new cells and hopefully healing.
· Joyce Bocock has completed chemo and radiation; praise God that both tumors have shrunk significantly more than expected; evaluating additional treatment options.
· Check out our monthly prayer card on-line at under “Weekly Bulletins” for a list of those with on-going needs.
First Baptist Church
1635 76th Street
South Haven, MI 49090