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Beulah Alliance Church

Stand Against, January 21-22, 2023

Stand Against, January 21-22, 2023

Locations & Times

Beulah Southwest Campus

5055 Chappelle Rd SW, Edmonton, AB T6W 3L5, Canada

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:15 AM

His Truth is Not Relative
January 21-22, 2023
Neil Truong
... but he will judge the poor righteously and execute justice for the oppressed of the land. He will strike the land with a scepter from his mouth, and he will kill the wicked with a command from his lips. Righteousness will be a belt around his hips; faithfulness will be a belt around his waist. (Isaiah 11:4-5 CSB)
Three Truths about the Battle and the Belt of Truth

1. The truth of the matter is ... the battle has been won but it rages on!

Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by his vast strength. Put on the full armour of God so that you can stand against the schemes of the devil. (Ephesians 6:10-11 CSB)

Stand, therefore, with truth like a belt around your waist... (Ephesians 6:14 CSB)
"In most major conflicts, of course, hardly any front-line soldiers know very much about the rest of the war. That’s the job of generals. But at least they know that something is going on, and that their bit is part of the larger whole. That’s the perspective that every Christian needs to maintain as we hold our bit of the line against attack. And holding out against attack is what this passage is mostly about. Most of the weapons are defensive equipping us to stand and withstand attack and still be standing up at the end of the day.” - NT Wright

2. The truth of the matter is … that truth is a person, not only morality.

· The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14 CSB)

· Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6 CSB)

If I can get you to question who you are, I can cause you to do questionable things.

Remember that a lie only has power when you … believe it!
3. The truth of the matter is … when you know the truth you’ll live in truthfulness.

· Therefore, putting away lying, speak the truth, each one to his neighbour, because we are members of one another. (Ephesians 4:25 CSB)

Truth is an objective standard by which reality is measured.

If the native language of the evil one is lying, then the language of the people of God is truthfulness. Which of these languages do you want to become fluent in?

The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.

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