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White Field's Community Church

1 Timothy 5:1-16 - He Made Us Family

1 Timothy 5:1-16 - He Made Us Family

In 1 Timothy 5:1-16 we see that through Jesus we have been brought into a new family in which we are called to honor, encourage, and care for one another.

Locations & Times

White Fields Community Church

2950 Colorful Ave, Longmont, CO 80504, USA

Sunday 9:15 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

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Through Jesus we have been brought into a new family in which we are called to honor, encourage, and care for one another.
The Bible refers to the community of Christians as:

1. The Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-27)
2. The Bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:25-32; Revelation 19:7-9)
3. The Temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 1 Peter 2:4-5)
4. The Flock of God (John 10:11-16; 1 Peter 5:2-4)
5. God’s Field (1 Corinthians 3:9)

6. The Family of God (Galatians 6:10; 1 Timothy 3:15)
Timothy was from Lystra (Acts 14 & 16), where his mother and grandmother were members of the church (2 Timothy 1:5)
"Rebuke" (1 Timothy 5:1) literally means "to strike at" (verbally assault)
The usual word for "rebuke" = Elenkho
The word in 1 Timothy 5:1 = Epiplisso
"Burden" (Gal. 6:2) = a crushing burden
"Load" (Gal. 6:5) = the load of regular responsibility
Community Group Discussion Guide
Week of February 26 - March 4, 2023
Equipped to Serve
He Made Us Family
1 Timothy 5:1-16

1) Connections class March 19 during 2nd service. Sign up on the app.
2) Young Adults fundraiser - Perkins February 18-26. Flyers available in the foyer.
3) Jesus Revolution: Book of the month. Available in the Book Shoppe with a 10% discount!

How many brothers and sisters do you have? If you have children, how many do you have?

Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time, caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?

Through Jesus we have been brought into a new family in which we are called to honor, encourage, and care for one another.

Through Jesus we have been brought into a new family….
1. Read 1 Timothy 5:1-2. In verse 1a, do you believe Paul is instructing Timothy to refrain from rebuking older men? How would you explain what Paul’s instruction is regarding older men?
a. Does a pastor have an obligation to exhort or rebuke someone who is wrong in their conduct or thinking? Read Titus 2:15. What is Paul’s instruction to pastors in this passage? Does this support your thinking on this issue?
b. In verse 1b-2, Paul gives instructions as to how to treat younger men and women within the church. Summarize his instructions regarding: younger men, older women, and younger women.
c. What is his purpose in saying “in all purity”? While this caution is given to Timothy, a pastor, why is it important for all in the church to adhere to this instruction?
d. In what way should we regard our church as “a new family”? What is Jesus’ desire for our relationship with our “new family”? … in which we are called to honor…one another
2. Read 1 Timothy 5:3. How do you interpret Paul’s definition of “widows who are truly widows”? In what way is Paul calling for the church to honor the widows? In what way does this instruction reflect God’s nature? ….encourage…one another…
3. Read 1 Timothy 5:4-7. In these passages, Paul encourages Timothy to support the widows in the church, but with some guidelines. Discuss these guidelines and what they entail:
a. Children and grandchildren should “make some return to their parents”.
b. A widow who is “left all alone” must “set her hope on God” and continue in prayer.
c. A widow who is self-indulgent is “dead even while she lives”.
d. A widow should be “without reproach”.
i. Does this encouragement apply only to widows or to all in the church?
ii. What does it mean to be “without reproach”. In what ways can we encourage others to be without reproach? ….and care for one another
4. Read 1 Timothy 5:8-16. Paul continues to provide instructions on how to care for widows within the church. He again provides some cautions. Discuss the following:
a. Paul says that if anyone does not provide for his relatives and members of their family, that they have “denied the faith and (are) worse than an unbeliever”. How important is it to God for us to care for our families? Why would Paul say that one who fails to care for their family is worse than an unbeliever?
b. Widows over 60 years old who are in good standing are given priority over younger widows. What reason does Paul give for this disparity? What is his concern concerning younger widows?
c. Paul’s concern is that the church care for one another but not be burdened financially by those who can be cared for by others or who have strayed from the faith. Do you share this concern? Why or why not?

Looking back at this week’s study, what is important for you to remember and why?