GracePoint Church

November 27, 2022 Sermon Notes
Welcome to GracePoint Sunday Morning! We exist to connect real people to the real God – and one of the best ways to do that is to study God’s Word together. This Advent season we are exploring what Scripture means when it says that Jesus is “God With Us.” In this first Advent sermon, we focus on two ways Jesus brings Hope into our lives. May the Lord bless you as listen!
Locations & Times
GracePoint Church
1 E 22nd St, Atlantic, IA 50022, United States
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sermon Outline & Notes
Main Idea: We have Hope because Jesus was born into the world.
Two types of hope we have thanks to Jesus:
1. We have Hope for Freedom.
2. We have Hope for Forgiveness.
Main Idea: We have Hope because Jesus was born into the world.
Two types of hope we have thanks to Jesus:
1. We have Hope for Freedom.
2. We have Hope for Forgiveness.
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