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Centreville Presbyterian Church

Falling Up - Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self Control | Oct 30, 2022

Falling Up - Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self Control | Oct 30, 2022

Very often today people talk about faith as a "personal" or "inward" thing. But the Bible paints a picture of faith that shows up every moment of our lives in ways that are guaranteed to make anyone look twice. Join us this week as we look at three unavoidably visible fruits of faith in Christ.

Locations & Times

Centreville Presbyterian Church

15450 Lee Hwy., Centreville, VA 20120, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

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We’ve seen the deep things of the heart: Love, Joy, Peace

We’ve seen the qualities that only exist as they are lived out: Patience, Goodness, Kindness
Faithfulness is...
Our ability to remain steadfast in the things that matter most. If faith is belief that creates unwavering conviction and settled trust, faithfulness is this kind of faith turned into a character trait. The result is that the people we live and work with knowing they can count on us to stand firm in our convictions and commitments. When we see this in others we often call it strength.
Gentleness is...
To grip without crushing. You have an uncanny ability to always use just the right amount of force to do what must be done. You are able to move in and through people’s lives, exerting influence, but never bruising. This may be the least openly admired fruit of God’s Spirit and one of the most powerful.
Self-Control is...
Five “Phases of Faith” in Galatians 5…