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Good Shepherd Community Church

The House of God - 1 Timothy, Part 2: Overflowing Grace in the Household of God

The House of God - 1 Timothy, Part 2: Overflowing Grace in the Household of God

Locations & Times

Good Shepherd Community Church

28986 SE Haley Rd, Boring, OR 97009, USA

Saturday 5:00 PM

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

Big Idea
The household of God must fight to display and declare the overflowing grace of Jesus for sinners!
I. The household of God is formed by the overflowing grace of Jesus - 1 Timothy 1:12-14
a. Overflowing grace for the Apostle Paul (Acts 26:9-18)
b. Paul was weak, but Jesus gave him strength (1 Tim. 1:12)
c. Paul was unfaithful, but Jesus judged him faithful (1 Tim. 1:12)
d. Paul was an opponent, but Jesus appointed him to His service (1 Tim. 1:12)
e. Paul deserved judgment, but Jesus gave him mercy (1 Tim. 1:13)
f. Paul was an unbeliever and persecutor, but Jesus gave him overflowing grace and filled him with faith and love (1 Tim. 1:14)
2. The household of God consists of the worst of sinners saved by Jesus - 1 Timothy 1:15
a. Luke 19:10
b. 1 Peter 4:17
c. John 3:17
3. The household of God displays the perfect patience of Jesus to the glory of God - 1 Timothy 1:16-17
4. The household of God must fight to declare the overflowing grace of Jesus for sinners!- 1 Timothy 1:18-20
With God, With Others, On Mission Takeaways:
With God:
- Trust and accept the saying: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.”
- Confess your sin of pride for times when you thought you were better than another person.
On Mission:
- Adopt an attitude of patience and love toward unbelievers rather than an attitude of condemnation.
- Pray for and share your salvation story with the unbelievers in your life.
With Others:
- Adopt an attitude of humility and helpfulness in areas of conflict, rather than an attitude of anger or superiority.
- Correct and warn fellow believers who seem to be drifting toward legalism, moralism or judgmentalism.