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Valley Church

Becoming Faith Strong

Becoming Faith Strong

We look forward to worshipping with you today!

Locations & Times

Valley Church

4343 Fuller Rd, West Des Moines, IA 50265, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

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We are so glad that you could celebrate with us today.

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Historical Realities – The Roman Empire dominated everything in the 1st century

Future Events – An unholy trinity will emerge in the last, last days

Spiritual Truths – A battle rages for the loyalty of every human heart
Learn that COUNTERFEIT gods abound and the world FOLLOWS
Anticipate HOSTILITY toward your FAITH.
Embrace the call of ULTIMATE and DAILY LOYALTY to Jesus.

Know the TACTICS of the Enemy: DECEPTION and POWER.
FORTIFY yourself against the PRESSURE to CONFORM and COMPROMISE.
Develop biblical and spiritual STREET SMARTS.

Discussion Questions

1. Pastor Quintin spoke on “Becoming Faith Strong” from Revelation 13. For a moment, think about other areas of your life where you are strong. Share with others one of your strengths or an area of your life that is strong.

2. What stood out to you in the passage (Rev 13) and the message? What stretched, confused, challenged, motivated, or encouraged you?

3. Regarding spiritual warfare, Pastor Quintin talked about avoiding the extremes of being obsessed or being oblivious. Instead, we are called to be observant. What do you do to avoid the extremes, and yet remain spiritually vigilant for the health of your own soul -- your spiritual, ethical, and faith life?

4. What are some ways that you can build loyalty to Jesus and street smarts in a culture that often opposes biblical Christianity? Give specific examples of how to become faith strong.

5. How can your Life Group fortify one another when you face pressures to compromise your faith?

6. How does Revelation 13 help you as you as you seek to Love You Des Moines, and specifically the One Life that God has placed in your path? How can we more compassionately empathize with people in our culture?