New Life Christian Center, Eckley CO - USA

6 - Spiritual Sight Leads to Future Realities (7/3/22)
Our Main Service teaching notes for July 3rd, 2022
Locations & Times
New Life Christian Center
37116-37472 County Rd R, Yuma, CO 80759, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
GEN. 1:3, “Then God said...” God used words to create reality.
GEN. 1:4, “God saw that it was good...” God used words to inform reality.
GEN. 1:5, “God call the the light...”. God used words to structure reality.
GEN. 1:4, “God saw that it was good...” God used words to inform reality.
GEN. 1:5, “God call the the light...”. God used words to structure reality.

#6 - Spiritual Sight Leads to Future Realities.

v10 - why? - for what reason.
v11 - given to know - a completed sense with experience. - mysteries - sacred thing hidden or secret, naturally unknown to human reason and revealed, sight uncovered, by God.
v12 - whoever has - these mysteries revealed, will have more.
- whoever does not have - what he has will be willingly released because of lack of value.
v15 - hearts grown dull - to become gross, dull, callous. - ears are hard of hearing - heavily dull and
with difficulty. - eyes they closed - shut down with reference to eyes.
v17 - desired - prophets longed to see the coming of the Messiah, but depended on their spiritual sight.
v11 - given to know - a completed sense with experience. - mysteries - sacred thing hidden or secret, naturally unknown to human reason and revealed, sight uncovered, by God.
v12 - whoever has - these mysteries revealed, will have more.
- whoever does not have - what he has will be willingly released because of lack of value.
v15 - hearts grown dull - to become gross, dull, callous. - ears are hard of hearing - heavily dull and
with difficulty. - eyes they closed - shut down with reference to eyes.
v17 - desired - prophets longed to see the coming of the Messiah, but depended on their spiritual sight.

1 - substance - confident realization of what actually exists around what we see.
- hoped - anticipate, expect. From the realization comes the expectation.
- evidence - certain persuasion or conviction. From the expectation comes the conviction.
- not seen - perception of yet to be seen of future things. From the conviction comes spiritual sight.
- hoped - anticipate, expect. From the realization comes the expectation.
- evidence - certain persuasion or conviction. From the expectation comes the conviction.
- not seen - perception of yet to be seen of future things. From the conviction comes spiritual sight.

Spiritual sight is just another way to say faith - true Biblical faith is the future’s reality.
impossible - unable through weakness.

v24 - by faith Moses changed identities
v26 - looked - look away to intently focus on something else.
v27 - invisible - that which cannot be seen with the physical eyes.
v26 - looked - look away to intently focus on something else.
v27 - invisible - that which cannot be seen with the physical eyes.