New Life Christian Center, Eckley CO - USA

3 - The Problem with Words (6/12/22)
Our Main Service teaching notes for June 12th, 2022
Locations & Times
New Life Christian Center
37116-37472 County Rd R, Yuma, CO 80759, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
1 - Timeless truths and temporary viewpoints.

2 - It’s a Spiritual Family Affair.

3 - The Problem with Words.
The problem with words is we don’t use them as they were evidently intended.
The problem with words is we don’t use them as they were evidently intended.
- God used words to create reality - GEN. 1:3, “Then God said…”
- God used words to inform reality - GEN. 1:4-5, “…it was good…He called…”
- Jesus is God’s word and is our reality - JN. 1:1-5, 14, “…the Word was God…all things made through Him…darkness did not comprehend…the Word became flesh…we beheld His glory… full of grace and truth.”
- God’s spoken word is our sustenance - MATT. 4:4, “Man shall not live by…but by every word that proceeds…”
- God used words to inform reality - GEN. 1:4-5, “…it was good…He called…”
- Jesus is God’s word and is our reality - JN. 1:1-5, 14, “…the Word was God…all things made through Him…darkness did not comprehend…the Word became flesh…we beheld His glory… full of grace and truth.”
- God’s spoken word is our sustenance - MATT. 4:4, “Man shall not live by…but by every word that proceeds…”

- The Word functions by heavenly design reflected in natural and understandable ways.
- The Word is designed to return to heaven having accomplished.
- The Word is designed to prosper specifically within the assignment God gives.
- The Word is designed to return to heaven having accomplished.
- The Word is designed to prosper specifically within the assignment God gives.

We can be bold without brashness - Anointed without obnoxiousness Courageous without carnality - Immovable without ignorant stubbornness