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Redeemer Church Mauritius

A Commissioning Moment - Phil Kendon

A Commissioning Moment - Phil Kendon

David went from shepherding the family flock of sheep in the fields to being anointed the future king of Israel. In one moment, he passed from worshipping on his own in the fields to playing his harp in the presence of King Saul. The apostle Paul received an incredible commission and promise that he would testify before gentile kings. And then he disappeared into obscurity for 7 years. John Mark went from a failure on the fringes to a mission to spread the message about Jesus. All these people moved from the fringes to the centre of what God was doing when God moved in their lives. We also can let go of the things that keep us on the fringes and be effective for God.

Locations & Times

Redeemer Church Mauritius


Sunday 9:00 AM

1. Faithfulness with little leads to trust with much

Matthew 25:21
2. The call of God never fails

God will always fulfil his purposes in your life even if it takes a long time.
3. The Holy Spirit anoints us for the task

Both David and the apostle Paul needed the anointing of the Spirit to get the job done.
4. Failure is not final

If we allow failure to shape us, we can become even more effective for God.
5. There is a human voice but there is also the voice from heaven

Someone called David from the fields, but God called him to be the king.
Ask Yourself:
God is calling – can you hear him?