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Dover Assembly of God

3.6.2022 | Revelation - Week 20

3.6.2022 | Revelation - Week 20

Locations & Times

Dover Assembly of God

4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA

Sunday 10:30 AM


Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly.

Weekly Bulletin

March 6, 2022

Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.


9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service

6:00 pm ~ Deacon Board Meeting
6:30 pm ~ Women’s Bible Study


6:30 pm ~ Prayer Night

6:00 pm ~ Women’s Dinner @ Azteca

6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service
2:00 am ~ Turn Clocks AHEAD!


Women's Events
Here are some of the upcoming events:
~ Monday, March 7 -“Ephesians” Bible Study Begins
~ Friday, March 11 - WOP Dinner at Plaza Azteca
~ Saturday, March 26 - Pancake Breakfast here at church
~ Friday & Saturday April 22 & 23 -Yard Sale

There are sign up sheets for all these events in the upper foyer.

Daylight Savings Time
NEXT week, March 13 is the day we turn our clocks ahead one hour. Be sure to mark your calendars, set your smart phones and put a sticky note on your fridge! Don’t want to be late!

New Life for Girls
Sunday, March 13 is also the day we will welcome the New Life for Girls ministry to share what God is doing in the lives of all the residents and staff! We will also take a special offering to bless the ladies! Be sure to show your support.

Easter Egg Hunt
As Resurrection Day (Easter) is fast approaching, we are planning our annual egg hunt for the children. It will be held on Palm Sunday April 10, following the morning service. We are in need of 3” plastic eggs and small candies to fit in the eggs. There is a bucket in the foyer for your donations. Thank you in advance!

As we prepare for this year's VBS we need to start planning the budget to purchase prizes, snacks, set decorations, etc. If you would like to begin donating to VBS, please mark an envelope in the pew with the letters VBS or add it to your tithe envelope. Thank you for your prayer and financial support as we begin planning for this outreach. If you are able to be a part of the VBS team (teaching, games, snacks, etc) please sign up in the lower foyer. The dates set this year are June 5-8!


Dover Youth Ministries
We have put together a schedule of youth events that we want to begin implementing to involve our teens and allow them to have the fellowship that is vital to their spiritual growth. Please see the insert for all the events we would like to do this year.

Gospel Tract Rack
We have installed a tract rack equipped with various tracts that we can use to share the gospel with those we come in contact with. Please take as many as you need and can use. Let people know that Jesus loves and cares for them.

Prayer Warriors!
Prayer nights continue on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 6:30 pm. Join us as we seek the Lord for Dover Assembly and our own lives!

Shut Ins
Continue to pray for those of our church family who are no longer able to join us for worship.
~ Marian T.
~ Olga K.
~ Rose K.
~ Cindy D. (Angel’s mom)
~ Beulah S.
~ Mary S.

March 1 ~ Dustin W.
March 3 ~ Reid V.
March 5 ~ Myiah E.
March 6 ~ Jen L.
March 7 ~ Robin K.
March 8 ~ Bonnie P.
|March 9 ~ Beulah S.
March 9 ~ Loralei W.
March 13 ~ Xander W.
March 17 ~ Mary S.
March 18 ~ Angel L.
March 19 ~ Sherry S.
March 20 ~ June T.
March 22 ~ Lee J.
March 25 ~ Harry P.
March 30 ~ Gil T.

March 6 ~ Chad & Angel L.

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Download the Dover Assembly app to stay connected all week! Keep up to date with the latest news and events, watch our latest videos, and more all within our app! We're back on Google Play for Android users! Also available on the iOS App Store.

Online Giving

Thank you for your faithfulness! You can now give to Dover Assembly online at your convenience. Click the link to learn more!

March 6, 2022 - Week 20 - Rev. Jeff Bender

Well, we are 19 lessons into our study on the book of Revelation.

The Bible tells us that if we read and teach this book we will be blessed.
Before we continue, let’s recap what we’ve learned so far.

1) The rapture happens and the church is taken away.

2) The 7 seals are opened and we see the 4 riders that bring war, famine, disease and death of ¼ of all people left on earth.

3) We see the prayers of the martyrs and God unleashes earthquakes, falling meteors

4) God chooses the 144,000 and seals them from harm.

5) The last seal is opened which is the beginning of the 7 trumpets.

6) These trumpet judgments are hail and fire and 1/3 of the earth was burned up. 1/3 of all sea water was turned to blood, 1/3 of all sea life and ships were destroyed. 1/3 of all fresh water was turned bitter and killed many more. 1/3 of the moon, stars and sun were darkened.

7) God then unleashed the demonic forces to torture humanity for 5 months. Not killing anyone, but leaving people wanting to die.

All this happens in the first half of the 7 year period.

Now we come to where we left off last week.
This is referring back to the end of chapter 8. Just after the judgments of 1/3 of everything.

Before God unleashed the demonic forces to torture humanity, that was the first woe.
We had the first woe, the unleashing of the demonic forces to torture.

Now we come to the second woe.
Where did we last hear about the golden altar?
Now from this very same altar, we hear a voice commanding the next woe.
The 4 angels are not God’s angels, but fallen angels.

God’s angels are never bound, needing to be released.

Each angel is in charge of a portion of the vast army that is coming.

The river Euphrates is also symbolic of God bringing judgment.
It was the northern most part of Israel’s border and Assyria and Babylon were on the eastern side of that river.

God would bring Assyria and Babylon across the river to bring judgement upon Israel and now he is using the demonic forces from that river.
The locusts from last week were prohibited from taking life, but this army was authorized to.

Remember we already had ¼ of all life killed.
So here is where that math you never thought you’d use comes in.

¼ + 1/3 = Change the denominators to 12 (common denominator)

3/12 + 4/12= 7/12 of the earth being killed.

That’s over ½ of all the people living would or will be killed.

And it says that they have been ready and waiting for this exact time. They didn’t know when it would happen, but they knew that it would and they were ready.

And also remember, it was an angel of God that released these 4 demonic angels, so it was ultimately God who is bringing judgment.

God is in control.
There are different interpretations of this verse.

Some believe it is as traditional troops mounted on these horses representing many end time armies gathering for battle.

Others see it as literally demons riding these horse-like creature.

Purely a spiritual battle with spiritual beings.
The descriptions of the horses tend to lean toward it being a spiritual battle, not a human battle.

What they actually are is not as important as what they will do.

Whether it is a real manned army or a spiritual army, the destruction they will bring will be real.

The riders are wearing the colors that are similar to what would come from the horses, fire, smoke and sulfur.

The locusts had a human face with lion’s teeth, but these have a lion’s head, symbolizing them being stronger and more destructive than the locusts.

All the attention is now on the horses, not the riders.

And these horses do not in any way resemble a traditional horse. Another possible indication of it being a demonic battle.
Does this judgment sound familiar?
In other words, if the people of today sin like the people in Sodom did, they can expect the same judgment.

It would seem that these horses would be able to generate the fire, smoke and sulfur on a consistent basis, which means that are able to produce it from within themselves.

And it means that man can’t stop it.

In the previous locust judgment, they brought torture, these will bring death.

Burned up by fire, suffocated by smoke and poisoned by sulfuric gases.

This will continue until another 1/3 of those left after the ¼ were killed are dead.

When this is all said and done, like we said 7/12 of the world’s population will have been killed.

As of 2021, there were 7.8 billion people.

We don’t know how many will make the rapture, but let’s guess that 3 billion make it and that’s a generous guess because Jesus said.
If 3 billion make it, and now 7/12 of the world is gone that is about 2.8 billion that will have been killed since the beginning of the tribulation.

Again, using math that you thought you’d never need.
Again, it’s focusing on the horses, not the riders.

So the horses had not only the fire, smoke and sulfur, they had the power of death in their tails.

The tails, with heads like snakes is another blow back to the garden of eden.

Symbolizing the devil with the snake. Again symbolizing the demonic forces, not human forces.

It also means they can attack men from the front and rear. There will be no escape from this judgment.

Some think that this is the battle referenced in Ezekiel with Magog.

But that battle (2 of them) is a human army and the first one takes place during the first 3.5 years.

The Expositor’s Bible Commentary says this:
The emphasis here is on their fully demonic character, utterly cruel and determined, showing no mercy to man woman or child. The demons might also be manifested in pestilence, epidemic diseases or other misfortunes.
God is judging their sins, trying to give them time to repent of them, and yet, these judgments do not cause hard-hearted and defiant people to change their attitude toward God.
“The rest of mankind” That means there are no believers left.

It appears that we have hit the point in the tribulation that even the 144,000 and other believers are gone.

They have most likely been martyred. But since it doesn’t say, we can’t be definitive.

Revelation 14 tells of the 144,000 standing in heaven. So we know that at some point they die.

Another evidence that the church is raptured before all this happens.

What is the “work of their hands?” Man’s own man-made objects of worship. What is it in life, other than the one true God, that we worship?

Do we worship our careers, our homes, our businesses? Our health, our appearance?

What have we made that we put above God?

Those items are is what is causing God’s judgment.

And it appears that even though people see the suffering and death, they still hold on to those things, more than they want God in their lives.

We need to be sure that nothing in our lives is more important than our relationship with Christ.
Among things that man creates, false gods are at the top of God’s hate list.

False gods are also part of the “work of their hands”.

This would encompass humanistic philosophy, Oriental teachings, satanism and other occult religions and practices.

People create these things because everyone need to worship something.

When people exalt these teaching and practices, at the end of all of it, Satan is the author and thus he is being worshipped even if you don’t think you are.

If you are worshipping at the altar of any Hindu god, who do you think is behind that?

If you worship Confucius, or Mohamad, or Allah who are you actually worshipping?

Satan and he has always wanted our worship.
There will be a lot of “religion” going on, but it will all be false religion.

None of their “gods” will be able to help them.
But in their suffering, instead of turning to the true God, they will turn to these idols.

No different than today.
Some think that worshipping idols is a neutral thing.

That it doesn’t really hurt anyone or maybe at the most it might hurt me, but no one else.

It’s my choice and it doesn’t affect anyone else, so. . .

But that isn’t true. Not only does it keep you from God, it also means you are now interacting and cooperating with demonic forces.

What does John say about that?
It seems that murders are frequent now and people are turning to “magic arts”.

The NLT says “witchcraft”. The NKJV says “sorceries”.

The word for all those terms is “pharmakia” which means it includes the use of drugs along with the occult. An altered state of consciousness i.e. hallucinatory state will produce a false sense of well-being and security.

People will want to “get high” to avoid the pain around them.

Magic arts is associated with the occult, Satan worship, witchcraft, incantations and communicating with the dead.

People will be attempting all these things to find a way out of the pain.

Many times these practices involve drugs.

Lastly, “thefts”. Just like today, when your addictions become the most important thing, you will do anything to keep doing it.

The people then like now will become so enslaved in their sins, that they will do whatever it takes to continue.

Now we come to another intermission.

Just like the intermission between the 6th and 7th seal, we have one between the 6th and 7th trumpet.

And we will look at that next week.
God has been moving our services these past several weeks and we have seen answers to prayer.

One of those has been for a live band. God has answered that and I want to close the service with this:

If God can answer a prayer for a live band, which in the grand scheme of things might not sound that important, if God can do that, what is it you are trusting God to do?

All of these sermons on revelation really doesn’t involve us, to the effect that we won’t be here.

But as we said at the beginning . . .
I believe that God is honoring that promise to bless.

We simply have to lay hold of it.
Some of us have been praying for a specific need for what seems like forever.

But Jesus says “never give up”.

If he said never give up, that means that an answer will eventually come.

Otherwise, he would say, “ok, you can quit praying now”

Thank you for joining us!

If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!

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