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FBC Richland

Sunday Worship 1-30-22

Sunday Worship 1-30-22

Welcome to FBC Sunday Worship • Main Session: 9:30 AM • Breakout Sessions: 11:00 AM • We seek to glorify God, encourage one another, and minister reconciliation •

Locations & Times

FBC Richland

1107 Wright Ave, Richland, WA 99354, USA

Sunday 9:20 AM

Weekly Bulletin

Click here to view the Weekly Bulletin which contains song lyrics (including a printable version), announcements, and more!
Main Session

FBC Richland: Who We Are (Week Five)
Pastor Tim Walker
Commitment to Each Other (Romans 12:9-18)

● Let love be genuine
● Abhor what is evil
● Hold fast to what is good
● Love one another with brotherly affection
● Outdo one another in showing honor
● Do not be slothful in zeal
● Be fervent in spirit
● Serve the Lord
● Rejoice in hope
● Be patient in tribulation
● Be constant in prayer
● Contribute to the needs of the saints
● Seek to show hospitality
● Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them
● Rejoice with those who rejoice
● Weep with those who weep
● Live in harmony with one another
● Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly
● Never be wise in your own sight
● Repay no one evil for evil
● Give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all
● If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all
As we gather...

What does the passage say?
Key words/phrases?
Major theological terms?
Difficult words/phrases?
What does the passage mean?
Context? (never interpret less than a paragraph)
How would the original hearers receive this?
Key word definitions?
Parallel Biblical teachings?
Can you communicate the point of this passage in a simple phrase?
“Aha” moment(s):
As we go...

What must I do in response?
How does this truth apply to my life? Personally?

As the church?
In my community?
What steps do I need to take to apply this?
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based Goals)
What is a missional conversation nugget to discuss with family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc.?
To whom will I be accountable?
(reach out and ask… follow up)
The Christian life is designed to be transferred relationally and journeyed together. “Rope in”– brother to brother and sister to sister – on a weekly basis so that together we can draw near to God and join him in his kingdom work.

This is an exploration – commit and prepare for a long and rewarding journey.
To continue the conversation, email Pastor Tim at

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Breakout Sessions at 11:00 AM

Join us after the Main Session:

Book of Genesis with Paul Eslinger - An interactive bible study open to youth and adults
- Meets in Room 303

Questions About Life with Will Mouat - Looking to God together for real, practical answers to tough questions. Open to youth and adults
- Meets in Room 201 (Youth Room)

Video Chat with Jamie & Lisa Halverson - Join the Missions Team for a visit with our Ministry of the Month, the Halversons, who are missionaries in Papua New Guinea.
- Meets in Room 302

The Reality of Marriage with Pastor Tim - Exploring God’s plan, path, and purpose for Marriage the way He intended it. Discussion will be based on the book and video series, Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas. Open to youth (PG-13) and adults
- Meets in the MPR

Breakout Sessions are available for kids of all ages:
• Nursery - Ages 0-4, Room 106A (Nursery)
• KidZone Breakout - Grades K-3, Room 307
• KidsPlus Breakout - Grades 4-6, Room 305