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Christ Wesleyan Church

January 9, 2022

January 9, 2022

Join us for our primary worship service each weekend.

Locations & Times

CWC Milton: The Auditorium

363 Stamm Rd, Milton, PA 17847, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

Welcome to CWC!

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Is This Your First Visit?

If this is your first visit with us, welcome! We're so glad you're here!

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Are You Still Fervent? 1 Thessalonians 2

A. What the World Provides and the Superior Alternative
1. You can settle for...
· Suffering with no real purpose
· Impure motives/hidden agendas
· People-pleasing
· Temporary humanitarian efforts
· Living for human praise/opposition
· Conditional love
· Earthly riches… maybe
· Human wisdom
2. Or, with God, you can experience...
· Purpose in your pain
· Fellowship in the body of Christ
· A life lived for God’s pleasure
· Lasting and eternal change in lives
· Living for God’s approval
· Unconditional love
· Eternal rewards in heaven… definitely
· The wisdom of the all-knowing Creator of everything
3. Fervency: An Intentional Choice
· Fervent (adj) having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm; ardent; hot, burning, glowing (
B. The World Needs Fervent Christians
1. People are suffering.
· The Church is able to demonstrate courage in suffering.
2. People feel cheated and lonely.
· The Church can offer true fellowship.
3. People are dying without Jesus.
· The Church knows the way to salvation.
C. A Legacy of Fervency
1. You are part of something earned.
2. You are part of something special.
3. You are part of something eternal.
D. Are You Still Fervent?
1. Do people think of you as having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, and enthusiasm about Jesus?
2. Do you accept the mission of CWC?
To share the light of Jesus Christ with our world
3. Are you intentionally gathering, growing, giving, and going?
Giving & Attendance Update
Giving last Sunday: 125% of goal
Giving year to date: 89.4% of goal
Attendance last Sunday: 1,764
Salvations to date: 176 | Baptisms to date: 25

Christmas Blessing Update
Local: $42,000.00
Global (Clean Water): $43,557.46

Ready to make a decision to follow Christ?

To begin a relationship with Jesus...Text: I Choose Jesus to 570.273.0088 or visit this link

Give Online

Use this link to give online. Thank you for supporting the ministry of CWC!

Prayer Requests

Need prayer support? Our prayer team prays for your requests throughout the week. We love to hear how God has answered prayer! If you have a praise that God has answered a prayer and worked in incredible ways, share it with us.