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Peninsula Covenant Church

11/14/21 Message Notes

11/14/21 Message Notes

Message Title: The Lord is With You Date: November 14, 2021

Locations & Times

Peninsula Covenant Church

3560 Farm Hill Blvd, Redwood City, CA 94061, USA

Sunday 8:45 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

MESSAGE TITLE: The Lord is With You

DATE: November 14, 2021

Together: Remembering Experiences That Inform Our Future
Do you ever forget that the Lord is with you and is for you?

This is what God wants the Israelites to know in the final scene of Deuteronomy. The entire book of Deuteronomy spans a 3-4 month period of time (think November-January). What was supposed to take them 11 days took 40 years and they are now on the east side of the Jordan River.

BIG IDEA: The Lord is with you and for you
BIG IDEA: The Lord is with you and for you

A pause in our journey: We get to choose
BIG CHALLENGE: Do you believe the Lord is with you and for you?

WHY? So that you become who God is calling you to be and who God is calling us to be as a community. You are a piece in the PCC puzzle and it matters communally how you respond individually as we head to our new promised land together.

For the stronger the individual pieces, so will we be the whole into the future.

What is God asking you to remember as we move together into our promised PCC future?
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The "grace of space"

"Forgetfulness leads to sin." --Professor Jim Bruckner

God never gets a seed wrong

"Curse" looks like existing by is lifeless
"Blessing" looks dynamic and fruitful

Consequence: a result or effect of an action or condition (outcome)

"Terminator" seeds which lead to death: discord, disobedience, and discontentment

Healthy seeds which lead to life: Christ-likeness, compassion, and character
Hear, O PCC: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
Like the Israelites in the desert heading toward the Promised Land, we are a faith community heading into a promised future. In this series, Together: Remembering - Experiences that Inform Our Future we will learn from the Israelites’ story, found in the Book of Deuteronomy, about what they were called to remember in order to follow God well. This week, we close out the series by reflecting what we have learned and being reminded that the Lord is with you and for you.

1. Review: In our journey with the Israelites in Deuteronomy, what are you remembering from the book that is impacting your life? (e.g. Love The Lord Your God, The Commandments, The Covenant of the Land, Fear the Lord, Your are Chosen, Purge Evil, The Vulnerable, Consequences are Real, You have a Choice)

2. Reflect on a time in your life when you wondered if God was with you and for you.

3. Meditate on the following passages Deuteronomy 31:1-8, 23. Note verses 31:6, 8, 23. What is being conveyed? To whom and by who? And why is this so important to the Israelites and Joshua, their new leader-to-be?

4. How does it make you feel that Jesus was called Immanuel (God with us - see Matthew 1:23) and that He promised the disciples His endless presence in Matthew 28:16-20? How does this extend to your current life?

5. Besides being with you, the Lord is for you. How do the following passages speak to this truth? Deuteronomy 9:5-6, Matthew 9:12, Titus 3:5. How does this increase your confidence in God’s faithfulness to you?

6. What aspect of Deuteronomy do you want to take with you into the future? How would this benefit you and the PCC body as a whole if you did?

-Engage in Prayer Wed. PCC Noon Time for 30 min (Info/Zoom Link)
-Participate at Prayer Around the Fire on 11/19 at the Worship Center patio (downstairs)

Prayer Around the Fire

Join us to pray downstairs on the Worship Center patio on 11/19 at 7pm.

Wednesday Prayer at Noon

Get the zoom link for 30 minutes of prayer every Wednesday at noon.

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Fiscal year (June 1 - to date)

Giving Update
Budgeted Giving: $3,838,588
Giving to Date: $1,200,098
Still Need: $2,638,490