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Valley Church

Nothing (Worth Having) Comes Easy

Nothing (Worth Having) Comes Easy

We look forward to worshipping with you today!

Locations & Times

Valley Church

4343 Fuller Rd, West Des Moines, IA 50265, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

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We are so glad that you could celebrate with us today.

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7 Transforming Journeys…

1. From chasing ENTITLEMENT to embracing SUFFERING.
7 Transforming Journeys…

2. From self-PRESERVATION at all costs to self-SACRIFICE for the gospel.
7 Transforming Journeys…

3. From fearfully avoiding LOSS to fearlessly pursuing LOVE.
7 Transforming Journeys…

4. From craving POPULARITY to choosing FAITHFULNESS.
7 Transforming Journeys…

5. From CARELESS living to a VIGILANT mindset.
7 Transforming Journeys…

7 Transforming Journeys…

7. From SLEEPY spirituality to ALERT TRUTH-SEEKING.

Discussion Questions

1. Share something worthwhile you’ve experienced or accomplished that required some sacrifice, difficulty, or perseverance. Why did you keep going?
2. Looking back at your notes, was there anything you heard for the first time or something that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?

3. Review the main points of “Nothing (Worth Having) Comes Easy.” Pastor Quintin shared 7 important transforming journeys that can revolutionize our lives.
· From chasing ENTITLEMENT to embracing SUFFERING.
· From self-PRESERVATION at all costs to self-SACRIFICE for the gospel.
· From fearfully avoiding LOSS to fearlessly pursuing LOVE.
· From craving POPULARITY to choosing FAITHFULNESS.
· From CARELESS living to a VIGILANT mindset.
· From SLEEPY spirituality to ALERT TRUTH-SEEKING.

Which of these transforming journey was surprising, enlightening, encouraging, or stretching for you? Why?

4. Even though we know that these transforming journeys can enrich our lives, we often really struggle to embrace them. Why do you think that’s true? Can you share an example of someone who has made a significant transforming journey. What have you learned from them?

5. What’s an example of another character in the Bible who has exemplified one of these transforming journeys? Share one trait you admire or want to see more of in your life.

6. How do we remain vigilant in how we live and what we believe without becoming paranoid, nasty, or troublemakers with those around us?

7. What’s one thing that’s really hard for you to sacrifice for the sake of the gospel? What in the Scriptures motivates you to know that “it’s worth it”?

8. Chasing popularity can kill our effectiveness in compassionately seeking to live and share the good news with others, and especially with the One Life God has placed in our path. What do you think you need to remember or focus on to instead choose faithfulness and long-term love to those who do not yet know Christ?