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CrossWay Church

November 7, 2021: Luke 9:37-50

November 7, 2021: Luke 9:37-50

These are the Bible passage and sermon notes for our Sunday morning worship services.

Locations & Times

CrossWay Church Battle Ground

311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA

Sunday 9:30 AM

Luke 9:37-50: The Disciples Don’t Get It

I) Mistake #1: The disciples trusted themselves rather than God.

A) A man begs for his only son to be delivered from a _______.

1) The disciples were ________ to accomplish this.

2) The disciples didn’t _________ the power or authority to deal with the demonic. (Luke 9:1)

B) Jesus hints that it was their lack of _______ that caused this.

1) This Deuteronomy 32:5 quote connects the disciples lack of faith with the ___________ in the wilderness.

2) In both situations, God’s people saw God do _________ things, and later struggled with faith.

3) Jesus __________ for them to grasp it.

C) What things are causing you to struggle to trust God?

D) Jesus heals the boy and uses it as a __________ moment.

1) God can work ___________ our lack of faith.

2) Jesus says that evil will be _______ defeated on the cross.

II) Mistake #2: The disciples thought they were spiritually superior to other believers.

A) They argued amongst themselves about who was ________.

B) They tried to ________ others from driving out demons in Jesus’s name.

C) What things make you feel superior to other believers?

D) Jesus combats the disciples’ pride.

1) All believers are all on the _________ team so don’t stop God’s work through them!

2) Great believers seek ________ for God by serving others.

Who could God be calling you to serve?

C) Jesus demonstrated this heart when he ___________ himself for our sake!

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