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Valley Church

Never Underestimate God

Never Underestimate God

We look forward to worshipping with you today!

Locations & Times

Valley Church

4343 Fuller Rd, West Des Moines, IA 50265, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Welcome to Valley!
We are so glad that you could celebrate with us today.

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Community Card

Let us know you're here!
1. God is a HEALER and a RESCUER from DARKNESS.
2. Jesus will be GLORIFIED, not MANIPULATED.
4. Outsiders PAY ATTENTION when insiders REVERE and DELIGHT in GOD.
5. God’s Spirit COMPELS us to seek ways to ADVANCE His MISSION.

Discussion Questions

1. What’s something or someone you once underestimated or underrated-- but now know better?

2. Looking back at your notes, was there anything you heard for the first time or something that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?

3. Review the main points:
· God is a healer and a rescuer from darkness
· Jesus will be glorified, not manipulated
· Knowing God revolutionizes your personal worldview, conduct, and values
· Outsiders pay attention when insiders revere and delight in God
· God’s Spirit compels us to seek ways to advance His mission
Which of these points was surprising, enlightening, encouraging, or stretching for you? Why?

4. Some of the most common idols of the ancient world and the modern world are money, sex, security, control, and power. How do we practically keep ourselves from being allured and trapped by these idols… even in subtle ways?

5. How has knowing God begun to transform the value you place on your possessions?

6. What is one area in which God has brought real (though not complete) transformation to you?

7. What is one thing in your life and in your group that would cause spiritual outsiders to the faith (and your One Life) to sit up and take notice of your faith in Christ?

8. We can underestimate God either by a) not believing he has the power to help us or b) by not giving him the love and obedience he rightly deserves. One is based on a lack of trust in God, the other on a lack of love and respect for God. Can you and your group spend a few moments in prayer to enlarge our view of how big God really is? How much he has loved and blessed us!