Centreville Presbyterian Church

Life on Life: To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain | Oct 10, 2021
We all make plans. Some plans work out and some don't. God offers us something better, joy, even when our plans don't turn out. Join us this Sunday with Pastor Aaron McMillan as we talk about God's plans and ours.
Locations & Times
Centreville Presbyterian Church
15450 Lee Hwy., Centreville, VA 20120, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
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Key Observation:
Paul refuses to separate the things that have happened to him into good and bad.
Paul refuses to separate the things that have happened to him into good and bad.
As we grow in Christ we begin to connect the events of our life back to Him.
We begin to connect the great purposes of our life to others.
The result of this is that we can run the race marked out for us with joy.
Join us in the Word daily by following along the YouVersion Bible Reading Plan below: