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Sierra Vista Community Church

Choosing the Right Time

Choosing the Right Time

Choosing Your Future Part 5

Locations & Times

Sierra Vista Community Church

514 N Telshor Blvd, Las Cruces, NM 88011, United States

Sunday 10:00 AM

When Is The Right Time To Get Moving?
• When God tells you to do something. “‘Follow Me,’ Jesus told them, ‘and I will make you fish for people!’ Immediately they left their nets and followed Him.” (Mark 1:17-18)

• When you need to ask for forgiveness. “So if you are offering your gift on the altar, and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” (Matthew 5:23-24)

• When you are tempted. “But you, man of God, run from these things, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness.” (1 Timothy 6:11)

• When you have made a promise to God. “When you make a vow to God, don’t delay fulfilling it, because He does not delight in fools. Fulfill what you vow.” (Ecclesiastes 5:4)

• When you have an opportunity to do good. “When it is in your power, don’t withhold good from the one it belongs to.” (Proverbs 3:27)

• When God offers you salvation. “For He says: I heard you in an acceptable time, and I helped you in the day of salvation. Look, now is the acceptable time; now is the day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians 6:2)

Pastor Ruben’s Blessing For You:
“May God keep us centered and devoted to him, following the life path he has cleared, watching the signposts, and walking at the pace and rhythms he laid down for our ancestors.” (1 Kings 8:58) [MSG]

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