Redeemer Church Mauritius

A Radical Mission Part 2 - Phil Kendon
Preaching the gospel is a radical mission. These pioneers – Paul and Barnabas – experienced incredible highs and severe challenges. People sometimes want to worship them as gods, and other times want to stone them to death. But, they persevere with their task to get the message about Jesus to as many different people as they can. They show people that God is seeking a relationship with us. He doesn’t want a religious or a superstitious response. Even creation is constantly speaking to us about the nature and character of God. He is powerful, creative, pays attention to the smallest detail and sustains his creation because he cares for it. This is how he feels about us too. We have the privilege of carrying on the work of these early disciples – sharing our faith with others and putting into practice what we learn from the scriptures.
Locations & Times
Redeemer EastCoast
Above Le Bistrot, Coastal Rd, Mahebourg, Mauritius
Sunday 9:00 AM
Religion and superstition don’t produce good results in our lives – but a relationship with Jesus will change us forever.
Creation shows us that God is creative, powerful, cares about the details and always does what is right because of his own perfect character
A few people turned a worshipping crowd into a murderous mob. Are you using your influence for good and are you standing up for what is right?
Living life according to the pattern he gives us in scripture always yields the best results.
Let’s take our place in the radical mission of the church!