Peninsula Covenant Church

9/5/21 Message Notes
Message Title: Together: We are PCC! Date: September 5, 2021
Locations & Times
Peninsula Covenant Church
3560 Farm Hill Blvd, Redwood City, CA 94061, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Message Title: Together: We are PCC!
Date: September 5, 2021
Date: September 5, 2021
New to PCC? OR maybe you just want to connect? Text “CONNECT” to:
650-332-4438 to access more information
650-332-4438 to access more information
10 Sundays!
How are you doing?
July 4 - Our Interdependence Day
Puzzle piece - represents each of us doing our part in building the future that God has for PCC
Our Mission
Empowering the generation to passionately follow Jesus, one person at a time
Our Values
--Living the Word of God
--Seeking Social Justice
--Following the Holy Spirit
--Practicing Healthy Relationships
--Giving Generously
Our Priorities
--Diversity and Equity: reflecting the Kingdom more in race and gender
--Family Table: honoring and bringing generations together
--Mobilization: discovering one's passion to serve
Our Strategy
GATHER to remember and celebrate God
GROW together in Christ-likeness
GIVE of our abilities and resources
GO into all the world
How are you doing?
July 4 - Our Interdependence Day
Puzzle piece - represents each of us doing our part in building the future that God has for PCC
Our Mission
Empowering the generation to passionately follow Jesus, one person at a time
Our Values
--Living the Word of God
--Seeking Social Justice
--Following the Holy Spirit
--Practicing Healthy Relationships
--Giving Generously
Our Priorities
--Diversity and Equity: reflecting the Kingdom more in race and gender
--Family Table: honoring and bringing generations together
--Mobilization: discovering one's passion to serve
Our Strategy
GATHER to remember and celebrate God
GROW together in Christ-likeness
GIVE of our abilities and resources
GO into all the world
Managing Transitions Book
by William Bridges are you feeling?
glad - mad - sad - scared - shame - shock
What is your trust level with PCC?
1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5
What is your trust level with God?
1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5
What questions do you have?
glad - mad - sad - scared - shame - shock
What is your trust level with PCC?
1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5
What is your trust level with God?
1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5
What questions do you have?
--Prayer every Wednesday at noon (zoom)
--Prayer last Friday of the month (in person)
--Next week prayer guide
--Prayer every Wednesday at noon (zoom)
--Prayer last Friday of the month (in person)
--Next week prayer guide
--Invite into our future
--Invite into our future
--Find your place to serve
--PCC on Campus Work Day (10/23)
--Become a Stakeholder
--Find your place to serve
--PCC on Campus Work Day (10/23)
--Become a Stakeholder
--Special Gatherings
--Special Gatherings
May you jump into the arms of Jesus and may He push out into the world. May you be healed as you participate in the healing of others. Not because you must, but because you may. This is why we were born!
May you jump into the arms of Jesus and may He push out into the world. May you be healed as you participate in the healing of others. Not because you must, but because you may. This is why we were born!
Beyond Sunday
This Sunday at PCC we had a TOGETHER Gathering, which was a combined gathering of our entire PCC body. During our transition year, the point of coming together as one gathering is to experience all the generations and to celebrate what God has done, is doing and prepare for what He will do. So this week, our focus is on our core passage for the year - Hebrews 10:22-25.
1. Ten weeks into our transition, what are some of the good things you see God doing in and through PCC? And how do you see God moving in your life?
2. Reflect on Hebrews 10:22-25. Note the 4 “let us” statements. Why do you think the author uses the plural “us” instead of a single reference? What are they being called to? During these uncertain times, why are these encouragements to the church so vital (corporately and individually)?
3. What do you think would happen to PCC if we didn’t live into these “let us” statements? How have you seen this playout in other churches or at PCC?
4. The passage is calling us as PCCers to the following things. Which ones are most challenging to you? What small steps could you take to move in one or two of these areas?
v. 22 Seek His presence and discern God’s will (for you and PCC)
v. 23 Hold to and declare your faith graciously to others (BLESS)
v. 24 Do good works(serve in your passion)
v. 25 Meet regularly (Sunday gathering, weekly group, 1-1)
5. What fears, questions or concerns do you have about PCC’s transition season? Feel free to share them at
Fall Opportunities
9/8 - Noon Time Prayer begins via Zoom (30min every Wednesday)
9/12 - Groups begin for our Fall Series
9/24 - Friday Night Prayer Event (live 7pm monthly Basement Patio)
9/26 - Town Hall Meeting at 11:45am
10/23 PCC On Campus Workday
For even more options for marriage, multi-race families, men’s retreat, etc. go to Fall Experiences
This Sunday at PCC we had a TOGETHER Gathering, which was a combined gathering of our entire PCC body. During our transition year, the point of coming together as one gathering is to experience all the generations and to celebrate what God has done, is doing and prepare for what He will do. So this week, our focus is on our core passage for the year - Hebrews 10:22-25.
1. Ten weeks into our transition, what are some of the good things you see God doing in and through PCC? And how do you see God moving in your life?
2. Reflect on Hebrews 10:22-25. Note the 4 “let us” statements. Why do you think the author uses the plural “us” instead of a single reference? What are they being called to? During these uncertain times, why are these encouragements to the church so vital (corporately and individually)?
3. What do you think would happen to PCC if we didn’t live into these “let us” statements? How have you seen this playout in other churches or at PCC?
4. The passage is calling us as PCCers to the following things. Which ones are most challenging to you? What small steps could you take to move in one or two of these areas?
v. 22 Seek His presence and discern God’s will (for you and PCC)
v. 23 Hold to and declare your faith graciously to others (BLESS)
v. 24 Do good works(serve in your passion)
v. 25 Meet regularly (Sunday gathering, weekly group, 1-1)
5. What fears, questions or concerns do you have about PCC’s transition season? Feel free to share them at
Fall Opportunities
9/8 - Noon Time Prayer begins via Zoom (30min every Wednesday)
9/12 - Groups begin for our Fall Series
9/24 - Friday Night Prayer Event (live 7pm monthly Basement Patio)
9/26 - Town Hall Meeting at 11:45am
10/23 PCC On Campus Workday
For even more options for marriage, multi-race families, men’s retreat, etc. go to Fall Experiences
Give to PCC through Pushpay
Use this online method to give easily and securely. Search Process
This webpage will be updated as we go through the search process for our next Lead Pastor. PCC's budgeted giving:
Fiscal year (June 1 - to date)
Giving Update
Budgeted Giving: $3,838,588
Giving to Date: $ 763,672
Still Need: $3,074,916
Fiscal year (June 1 - to date)
Giving Update
Budgeted Giving: $3,838,588
Giving to Date: $ 763,672
Still Need: $3,074,916