New Life Christian Center, Eckley CO - USA

#1 - Let not your heart be troubled (8/15/21)
Our Main Service message on August 15th, 2021
Locations & Times
New Life Christian Center
37116-37472 County Rd R, Yuma, CO 80759, USA
Wednesday 10:00 AM
Let not - Implied subject of “you” not allowing your heart to go there!
Troubled - to stir up or agitate. To disturb with various emotions.
Afraid - to be cowardly or timid - Used in an absolute sense here, “Do not be afraid of anything.”
Troubled - to stir up or agitate. To disturb with various emotions.
Afraid - to be cowardly or timid - Used in an absolute sense here, “Do not be afraid of anything.”
“Let not” is our responsibility with the known ways of the devil being spelled out by scripture and the known ways of God being spelled out as well!
Vs. 1-4, Believe - in God and in Jesus. (What were they going through?)
- During this time Jesus, when Jesus was preparing them for his leaving, He emphasized that their confidence and trust was to be in God and in Him.
* Believing begins where you are, not where you want to go.
Vs. 5-14, I am the way, the truth, and the life.
- During this time He was the only way or direction, the only source of truth,
and the only giver of life. (Because of this they could expect “greater.”)
* There is no direction, no truth, and no life worth pursuing besides HIS.
Vs. 16-27, the Holy Spirit. (Left for us, for such a time.)
* The Holy Spirit was sent to help us have un-troubled hearts.
- During this time Jesus, when Jesus was preparing them for his leaving, He emphasized that their confidence and trust was to be in God and in Him.
* Believing begins where you are, not where you want to go.
Vs. 5-14, I am the way, the truth, and the life.
- During this time He was the only way or direction, the only source of truth,
and the only giver of life. (Because of this they could expect “greater.”)
* There is no direction, no truth, and no life worth pursuing besides HIS.
Vs. 16-27, the Holy Spirit. (Left for us, for such a time.)
* The Holy Spirit was sent to help us have un-troubled hearts.